Friday, November 5, 2010

Anecdotes 'n' Odds 'n' Ends

-- I owe about half of my novel to the NaNoWriMo forums' characterization game. For this I am eternally grateful, even though the question was seemingly so insignificant*. My word count is lagging (the main problem being I had no beginning, just random scenes in the middle I've yet to get to. Though I suppose I could write them out of order and just fill in, which would be quicker), but at least I've managed to write every day.

-- Today is the first day of the fall I've worn slippers. I missed you, slippers.

-- I love Daylight Savings time dearly. So what if it's dark out at 5 in the afternoon (evening? when does afternoon end and evening begin)? 5 p.m. doesn't concern me much. 6 a.m. does. SLEEP. Another on the growing list of Reasons I Love Benjamin Franklin.**

-- The "b" key on my keyboard is sticking. Not beyond the point of usability, but just enough to require and extra amount of pressure to work and an unpleasant cracking noise when it does.

-- Instead of devoting myself to noveling and ignoring the written works of others altogether, I've become more ravenous for/in awe of books, now that I understand how hard they are to actually write. In addition to rereading Deathly Hallows (as is my personal tradition before the release of the movie. . . though I guess it'd save some time if I only reread the first half. . .), I'm reading books I've put off but wanted to read.*** Being a nerd is so time-consuming sometimes.

-- Random question: Was the subject of Hermione Granger's attractiveness ever described after Goblet of Fire (the book)? Emma Watson is, of course, fantastically talented; and the film industry rightly assumes that moviegoers enjoy looking at attractive people, but as a bushy-haired nerd girl myself I've always held some resentment over this book v. film deviation. I got bangs when I was seven specifically to look like Hermione (silly child, so easily influenced by the media. . .), loved them for a few months, and then spent years growing them out.****

-- Within the context of my novel, my knowledge of late-1980s-model RVs is sadly lacking. To Wikipedia!

* "What do you wear to bed?" I only had two main characters developed at that point, but the answers were hard to come up with. I decided on "Whatever is clean and comfortable, with socks year-round." and "Nothing at all, ladies. However, if you'd like to apply for the position. . ." Thus, CHARACTERIZATION. And innuendo is fun to write.

** Joke title with serious prospects. May post later.

*** The Mortal Instruments Trilogy, among others. City of Bones is so good I am jealous.

**** Do not ever do this it takes so freaking long.

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