Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello! I'm glad to see that we all survived the rapture! Let's see if we can last until 2013!

I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. That sounds like a conversion, doesn't it? I shall join the cult of the vegetables... worship them. Worship them!


This is somewhat of a difficult process, however. Firstly, I'm not sure that I have the willpower to do so. Secondly, while I like vegetables, I don't know if I like them that much. Thirdly, the world of meat is expansive and delicious.

However, it's something that I want to do. I don't have any inherent grudge against eating animals; people are omnivores and that's perfectly fine. I only have an issue with meat eating in the United States and in my own life. I'm pretty sure that, like most Americans, I eat too much meat. It doesn't seem that much to me but I've heard that the recommended portion is about the size of your fist (or smaller?) and if you go to any restaurant you definitely won't get that. Also, I really have issues with how the animals are treated both on an ethical level and because of the increased risk of disease and infection that arises from their horrible living conditions. Also, I'm on an ever-stalling quest to be more healthy and I think vegetarianism is a step in the right direction.

Anyway, I'm not going to start this week -- there's way too much going on right now for me to abandon my comfort food. Also, I need time to figure out what I'm supposed to be eating, vegetable-wise, because I would rather not be malnourished. I'm probably going to wait until summer vacation starts and try it out for a month to see how it goes. It may be a complete failure, but hopefully not.

Alex, I'm pretty sure that you're mostly a vegetarian, and Rena, I don't know if you have any special eating habits, but if you have any tips, I would appreciate them!
- What do you do when you're eating at somebody's house and they serve meat, not knowing that you don't eat meat?
- Does it inconvenience your parents/do they make vegetarian food for you or do you just make your on?


Renata said...

I'd be able to be a vegetarian if I were permitted to/would not suffer malnourishment from eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day. Peanuts are good. Also (this may be an Italian thing), eggplant parmesan is meat-ish/tasty. I'm sure Alex has a more formal opinion.

Alex said...

Speaking from the perspective of someone who loosely referred to themselves as a vegetarian for five years... yeah. No.

I'm going to expand this into a blog tomorrow because it is actually relevant in my life right now.