Sunday, December 25, 2011

so, hey, um...

I might be completely off my rocker crazy but I think that the three of us should all go to Leaky Con this summer because it is somewhat conveniently placed in Chicago and it would be 100% awesome.

And no, I did not spend the last hour researching transport. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


p.s. okay, yeah, it's possible I'm just creating hypothetical summer plans to cheer myself up because I had a somewhat less than utterly fantastic day. Is there anything wrong with that, I ask you?


Vita said...

Actually I would love that. The biggest issue is the monies. Why do you cost money LeakyCon?!!?!?!? WHY DOES MONEY EXIST
(Nothing wrong with that)

Alex said...

Focus on the 'I would love that' and take hold of the idea that the money thing will sort itself out.

That's why it's fun to believe in destiny. It's easier than the alternative.

But yeah, this is going on my radar. It is an intention!

Renata said...

First and last sentences of Vita's comment. End comment.

(hooray 4 plagiarism)