Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wilderness Survival

I collect keychains. In truly masterful procrastinator form, I decided to sort through them before doing anything pertinent to schoolwork. (Because, you see, the cloth zipper-pull-thing from bag in which I haul textbooks--VERY important, school-wise--has fallen off, and if I replace it NOW with something, in the long run I'll save myself time trying to grab at the leftover metal ring. This makes total sense. And I'm avoiding writing a narrative for English.*)

Most of these can be categorized into one of the following:

-- Cartoon characters (from when I was about eight years old, and looking for an excuse to hoard things. Pop culture + time = Important pieces of history)

-- Free promotional things, with the names of banks/car dealerships and the like.

-- Miscellaneous SHINY TRINKETS.

-- Tiny versions of useful objects:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I could use them. And about 22,000 more.
(If the picture is of crappy, vampiric quality, they are [L-R] (this feels so professionally photographic now): a thermometer, flashlight, comb, watch, compass/thermometer/whistle, and a bottle opener.)

So yeah. If I'm ever stranded somewhere with nothing but my stash of knickknacks on my person, I am set for life.

On an unrelated note, I've started listening to Christmas music. The cheer is simply inescapable.

* I'm already writing a narrative. Screw your predetermined educational topics, curriculum.

1 comment:

Vita said...

Re: narratives: Oh my gosh, RIGHT? Leave me alone and let me write my own darn stuff on my own darn time GOSH DARN IT.
(Then again... we all know how well that turns out [NaNoWriMo what?])

Re:backpack zipper thing: WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE? THE SUSPENSE!

Another trend that I like: pictures in blogs. YAY for visual learners (or people who just like pictures; that's okay too!)!