Thursday, May 5, 2011

in the air

I dedicate this to you, Vita. Sometimes I believe that our wands were made from twin cores. Know that I'm sending my good vibes your way.

It rains here. Fantastic drops that hit the pavement because that's all they've ever known how to do. They do it well, but sometimes people chitchat with criticism, cynicism, for lack of anything interesting to say. We all have the weather in common, right? It's like hockey and grad dresses and new nail polish shades. You don't have to know a person personally to have a meaningless conversation about the one thing you're pretty sure you share.

But that's not all why share. It's the air.

For as long as any human being has breathed, argon has been circulating through our atmosphere. It's this tiny gas that sticks around forever, more common that carbon dioxide. The word is derived from something Greek meaning 'lazy' or 'inactive.' It's hard to push argon's buttons; it usually won't react. Exhale after inhale, moving from one lung to another, never altering itself to suit surroundings, we've been breathing the same argon for as long as anyone can remember--and a lot longer before that. You might be breathing the same argon as Jesus right now. Isn't that mind blowing?

These days, I step outside and inhale until my lungs are as full as the glass of water that I wasn't able to carry across the room without spilling. I recycle argon like I always have and I dwell on interconnectedness.

I'm high on spring, rain splattered concrete and tulips and a world that's awake again. Every flower petal and bud is in clear focus as they reflect the glow of my smile. I could survive for the rest of my life on the smell sticking to my nostrils, a smell that I can most aptly describe as life and hope.

For weeks months years, I've been listening to people wistfully wish that summer would hurry up and get here. But why? Summer's always over too fast, like a good dream that you're already forgetting. It's spring that you should hold on to. Spring that says, Look around. There is light, life, love, vitality--they're coming your way.

A lot of idle words are thrown across empty space when it rains, how yucky the weather is, how we long for the sun. But wait, let's hesitate
a second longer. On the idea that the scent of flowers is stronger after a shower. On the fact that water is our life source. On the clearer, brighter, livelier colours that make appearances only after rain drops paint our gardens.

Rain brings things into focus, like the breath you just inhaled that is 0.93% argon--argon that's been on this planet for longer than you can contemplate. The smell of spring is ripe outside and it's telling you clearly that everything is going to be okay. You don't have to decide anything today. Just listen to the argon, so constant yet seemingly lazy. Enjoy spring. You'll be okay.


Anonymous said...

I agree, the smell right after rain is amazingly wonderful. It's the epitome of what 'fresh' should smell like.

Also, random, but I love the smell of my cats right after they're been outside. There's something about the cool air that sticks to their fur. This is weird, but I suggest smelling your cat after he comes inside. :)

P.S. This is Brie. I just can't log on to my account.

Vita said...

That was really lovely, Alex. I appreciate it. Also, it was just inherently nice. And pretty goddamn inspiring.
P.s. As far as scents go, I LOVE the smell of clean, fresh laundry. Mmmmmmm. Also, rain. Also, freshly cut grass.