Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This would've been about Harry Potter

But it isn't, because (the return of the LISTS! Have you missed them? I have. So short, yet so informative.)

1. I've been running halfway up and down the stairs trying to explain the coordinate graphing system to my brother (and subsequently also my mom). Aerobic exercise, being helpful, and testing my ability to paraphrase. These things get increasingly difficult.

2. I'm juggling conspicuous little nips at the shiny flashy Internet between typing a symbolic analysis of Bless Me Ultima. Oh BMU, whenever I feel the need to abbreviate you in my (ineffective) notes, I almost always write BUM. And, you make no sense. I feel guilty over you, BMU, because this has been the first time I--being a reading-oriented nerd--haven't actually read you--being a book assigned for academic assessment--entirely, but am basing my opinions on the fact that I couldn't force myself to get through you. (Oh, second person pronoun. I wish I could quit you.)

3. I want to write a thoughtful post on HP, and am now not quite up to maximum thoughtful/analytical capacity.

Other list of more positive/entertaining yet disjunct things:

1. Uglydancer. Swedish pop music + ENDLESS DANCE = Loads of perfectly wasted time.

2. There's ~5 inches of snow on the ground (voice of never-ending pessimism says: Yes, but it's freezing cold out and everything is turning to ice. Not melting away, not staying untouched snowy wonder. ICE.)

3. Michael Cera (The new millennium's posterchild for adorable awkward nerds), was in Braceface, a Canadian cartoon shown on American television that I remember really liking as a kid despite forgetting everything about the plot now, save the fact that the protagonist wore braces (magic, electrified braces?). The things Wikipedia reveals. . .

4. I got to hassle (by "hassle", I mean passive-aggressively accuse of plagiarism) a fast food chain via Twitter.

What did you do today, everyone? *listens intently in comments*

1 comment:

Alex said...

Today, I made a rice cracker display and it was beautiful.
Yesterday, though, was even MORE interesting (as if that was possible). I read my sister almost an entire book because it was really amazing, even though my throat was really hurting at 1am when we finished. Fun, sisterly times. (and it wasn't a picture book, it was totally YA)