Now, I'm not saying I don't have friends, but on a scale of 1 to Hank Green, most of them range about a 3.5, whereas I'm pretty significantly higher (or their nerdiness is in radically different categories than mine). At least, this is what is apparent to me, because I know myself far better than I know anyone else.
(Deep down I think everyone is a closet nerd in some sense.)
But as far as open discussion of my nerdy passions go, my best nerd-friends are my parents. All nerdiness stems from something, usually in childhood. It is not chosen, it is an inbred trait.* My dad is a math/sci-fi/WWII nerd, my mom is a Broadway/literature/music nerd connoisseur. I've been picking up a mix of these since I was really young (and impressionable). I take after my mother in the aforementioned areas, but I know enough Hitler-related trivia to fill a small book.** Also, surprisingly, (and pointing to the genetic factor in this) my dad and I recently found out we both love Doctor Who (different Doctors, but still).
* Which is why I found this to be utterly ridiculous. (Let's hope it's satirical?)
** And also disturb people. Example: did you know Hitler had terrible grammar and only one descended testicle? :)