Friday, March 25, 2011

And yet, you have the sophistication of a 13 year old...

Can I just say that Seventeen ought to win a prize for the most flamboyantly irritating use of italics?

Also, for giving the worst flirting advice? Ever? (Other than Ask Amy’s famously horrible advice on how to get divorced women to stop talking about their past marriages — and I quote — “When you’re out on a first date and your date talks about her ex, you reach across the coffee shop table, place one hand, gently, across her lips and soulfully say, ‘Please — let’s not tell each other our sad stories…’ And then you change the subject.”)

Also, for interviewing a slew of (albeit vaguely similar) youngish celebrities and actually managing to painfully extract the same damn sentences from each of their mouths, concerning either: a) how much they love boys or b) a sloppy attempt at appearing feminist by talking about how happy they are to be single and to discover themselves…

And I’m like, um, a) stop treating boys like accessories; they’re half of a human couple, not your plus-one, and b) if you wanted to promote female independence then maybe you could fucking interview them about themselves and not their love lives.

Like basically the only good thing they do is encourage girls to not be anorexic but like seriously now.

I realize that I could very easily ignore all of Seventeen’s silliness and never complain about it again but seeing as my subscription doesn’t run out for another month or so the stupidity starts to aggravate me.

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