Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Five: It's a bigger number than four. FACT.

In addition, only 1/5 of the blogs for this 5/12 completed month have been written by me.

Stupid fractions, exposing my laziness. . .

Getting back into blogging is always awkward after any kind of hiatus, and rather than deal with that this week I just--didn't. So yeah. I do still love this blog, it's something to look forward to in the infinite amount of random crap that is the Internet. Much as I love the interwebz in general, I do mean "infinite amount of random crap" in the most literal way possible. It allows you to just jump from thing to thing, nothing is organized by subject and pretty much everything is equally accessible, as opposed to books. Which is awesome but distracting, as is everything else mankind has managed to get our easily distractible hands on.
**Stars in place of transition, which I am pointing out for some self indulgent reason.**

**And then I went and Googled some stuff while I was thinking of something to make this blog longer, which just evolved into Robot Unicorn Attack.**

If it was, say, 1990 and we were doing this via handwritten letters, do you think we'd still keep this correspondence?* Aside from the whole principle of the thing, I don't think it would work as well. But I'm glad we ARE, and the Internet is awesomely convenient for such things.

That's not to say the ENTIRE Internet is awesome, just like in normal communities/societies/whatever it's found ways to corrupt, and that's kind of depressing. (Here I'm kind of specifically referring to all the people on Nerdfighter Secrets who complain about feeling excluded--at first I was like "lolwut? It's NERDFIGHTERIA, this can't be happening." But it is. *sigh*.)

Imagining people complexly kind of sucks. But, I guess, loving people complexly entails loving them even though you know they kind of suck. I'll leave you on that cheery note, see Alex (hopefully) Thursday.

Footnote: *Disregarding the fact that we wouldn't've met each other, and the postage rate to Canada, and that only one person would have the previous letter(s) at a time. So disregard all of it, really. . .

1 comment:

Vita said...

Yay Rena! Hi! :D

I dunno... merp merp, if there were some sort of theoretical thing thang that allowed us to be in this situation except offline, I'd like to think we'd keep it going because everybody likes getting letters that aren't bills, but in actuality I'd probably get lazy. I think this is a better situation.

By the by, the word verification on this is "taggiess." You're so cute, Blogger.