Thursday, September 16, 2010

That time of year

I hate it when people ask me about school. Why is there nothing else anyone can think to ask a teenager about?* I know I should be accustomed to it by now and get over it but I'm not and I can't. With the new school year on everyone's mind, those questions are so often spoken to me that I've come with some sample responses, none of which are appropriate.

Sample 1:
Impertinent questioner: What school do you go to, Alex?
Me: I dropped out.
*awkward silence*

Sample 2:
Impertinent questioner: Where do you go to school?
Me: I don't. I'm an unschooler.
*blank looks*
Someone in the background: She's homeschooled.
Impertinent questioner: Oooooooh. And how do you like that?
Me: I love not having to conform to curriculum standards and be able to spend my days learning what I want and not waiting for other people to figure out what's going on.
Impertinent questioner: Oh. That's really great for you.

Sample 3:
Impertinent questioner: What school do you go to?
Me: I'm a homeschooler.
Impertinent questioner: Wow Your mom must be really busy, teaching you and all.
Me: Yes, my mother is busy but not teaching me because she doesn't, in a lesson-type way. More through a life way.
Impertinent questioner: *not quite understanding* So I guess you don't have homework since you're always at  home?
Me: *smiles* No. No, I don't.

Sample 4:
Impertinent questioner: So Alex, what grade are you in this year?
Me: Grade 11.
Impertinent questioner: And what school do you go to?
Me: I decided not to pursue public education.
*blank stare*
Me: I don't go to school.
Impertinent questioner: Don't you want to?
Me: If I wanted to, I'd be going to.
Impertinent questioner: Don't you feel like you're missing out? How do you socialize?
Me: I'm pretty used to living in a shoebox with no friends and nothing to look forward to, so I'm good. At least I have the internet.
*blank stare*
Impertinent questioner: But why don't you want to go to school?
Me: I don't find the educational system to be extremely functional.
*blank stare*
Impertinent questioner: So what kind of music do you listen to?

That's all. What's that, seven blogs since you mentioned it, Vita? Rena and I sure can respond under pressure.

*Other than, of course, what kind of music I listen to which, I'm sorry to say, is less easier to phrase than the question which asks for it. Nice thought but unless you want me to hand over my iPod for you to peruse, I cannot describe my eclectic tastes.


Vita said...

Merp merp. Congratulations, keep up the good blogging work. :P

Tis funny though... perhaps you should write up a little "info slip" about your schooling habits and hand one out to anyone who asks, YEAH?

Or you could continue with the amusing (although possibly frustrating, if you're involved) conversations. Whaa'eva.

Alex said...

There's something in that info slip idea...