Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Public Schooler Problems

So I managed to catch a cold despite having been outside only briefly in the past 2 days. The whole "fresh air" thing might not be a conspiracy. . . Or it's allergies, I don't know. This says something about my overall level of activity, though.

I've also managed to turn myself pretty functionally nocturnal, which will be absolute hell to reverse. (Some days I go to bed at the time I have to get up for school.) My attention span is completely shot (I couldn't even finish this blog post without opening Tumblr), and for some reason, right before school starts I'm always afraid I will have forgotten every single thing that I learned last year. This is highly improbable and the first month is going to be review anyway, but that doesn't mean I'm not absolutely terrified that the first day of AP English Language and Composition (such a long, scary name. . .) we will be asked to write a large and complex essay in 48 minutes and I will be staring at a blank piece of paper going "WAIT OH FUCK HOW DO I REFUTE THINGS AGAIN?" and possibly pass out. Nevermind that the first day in particular everyone is lulled into a false sense of security by the handing out of syllabi and cheerful "getting to know you" hoo-hah.

At this point I should sign off and go to bed, seeing that I need to venture outdoors and accomplish tasks at a timely hour.*

* I will sign off, but the chances of my actually going to bed are slim.

1 comment:

Vita said...

I had several friends who took AP Lang who really liked it, for the most part. I however didn't take AP Lang, I took IB English, which I eventually hated so much. I think that if you like English, you'll probably be fine, as long as your teacher doesn't suck. I know it does nothing to ease your first day of school jitters, though. Blergh.