Friday, August 26, 2011

This is a happy title to supplement an unhappy post! :)


Everything is stupid and I hate it and I don't want to blog and I don't want to do homework and I don't want to practice guitar and I don't want to go to school and literally all I want to do is sleep and watch TV shows that make me feel better about my life and read the billions of books I have in my room that I haven't read yet and eat and not leave my bedroom for the next two months.

So. Bullet points, let's go.

- Still not quite sold on Torchwood. Definitely warming up to it, quite like the characters, but still sort of feel like it's a less lovable Doctor Who. Sticking with it mostly because I hear Season 3 is really good. Except I already know who dies, which is a bummer. I mean, it should still be alright, because I don't know how or when and the Season 2 finale of Doctor Who was one of the first episodes I ever watched and it still made me cry my eyes out the second time I saw it, but it's still a little disappointing. That's the problem with watching shows after they've been on air for a while: spoilers are everywhere. Still, the Cybermen and Daleks still freak me the fuck out whenever I see them. Even though they have been used so many times. You always know those episodes are going to be ugly. Oh man.

- This is where I would complain if I had less self control.

- I don't want Hurricane Irene to come here because I don't want people to die and shit but if it just wants to selectively shut off the power for all the schools in my county that'd be really nice. Thanks weather, you got my back (jk you shut off my power at the most inconvenient times which to be fair is more because Pepco is bad at being a power company than your fault).

- I have to go do homework and shit. Read and outline an entire book in two days, let's do this.

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