Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Figure out where idealism stops and Shakespeare kicks in

Is it better to live life with low expectations and then be pleasantly surprised when something goes right, or to expect the best of people and the universe and everything and then be crushingly depressed when those expectations are proved wrong? This is the fundamental difference between optimists and pessimists. Or maybe cynics. Are all pessimists cynics? How is it possible to believe that all humans are selfish bastards and STILL have hope? Just have hope about the things which aren't controlled by other people? What are those things exactly? Hope for good weather but not about love? What sense would that make? Wouldn't that be too depressing to bare? Is it possible to be wholly optimistic? If so, can it be ensured that that attitude doesn't alienate those who don't share the same opinion? How can associations with pessimists occur and this elusive perennial optimism remain? Does happiness mean being oblivious to other people's attempts at happiness which have ultimately been proved wrong? Isn't at least trying to be happy something we all should try, if not have the opportunity to fail at?

In essence, in living, all is but a series of repeated, hopefully prolonged attempts at true happiness. What is found once the effort to remain happy stops is individual. Possibly peace, not having to work at mortal contentedness in whatever afterlife is imagined for oneself. Imagination is powerful. ("Imagining the future is a type of nostalgia"-- quoth the Young, Alaska. A diversion from this labyrinth of suffering.) A powerful defense against reality--however big or small the details-- and also a powerful method of accomplishing things, or starting to accomplish things. Yet, in stopping one's own happiness the soul essentially dies. What good are we shells of people without souls, minds, hearts? A symbolic suicide.

And also yet, this is something we ourselves needn't worry about. We are invincible in spirit--in parts and as whole. Let us live to enjoy this living.

1 comment:

Vita said...

Very philosophical. :)

That's a good way to look at life - constant attempts to be happy.

I really like that last paragraph, by the by. It's poetic.