Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cross Posting

Because I'm tired and being lazy, I present to you the other blog I've written today-- which is a lengthy explanation of why I didn't blog last Tuesday, which would have been in honor/recognition/whatever of Autism Awareness Month. To add the the information provided in the link to come, a question: Have either of you guys read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time? (which is a very unnecessarily long title for a book, in my opinion. Could have been titled something much more clever, but it's a quote from Sherlock Holmes...) We had to read it for English (recently finished a brain-to-mush-turning essay on it, also contributing to my lack of blogs) and discuss it and whatnot and some of the completely ignorant babbling comments alternate from my own but otherwise holding their own intellectual merit flipped the soapbox-standing-upon, rantishly-society-critcising switch in mai brainz. I got better, but still want to make a point (for once), so I leave with this link.

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