Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday Oddness

Hello, dear readers.
Lack of blog causes regret.
Today, all in haiku.

The topics include
Previous posts and so on.
And various goals.

Response to Alex:
I'm of sim'lar shape. Not height.
Tis' annoying but,

The ability
To eat without much regard
Is enjoyable.

Not that insulting.
To those who note my stature,
I say, "Yeah, so?" End.

Script going same way.
Unfortunately I
Lack unschooling grit.

Response to Vita:
Welcome back, firstly. Second,
Same. School pics make me

Look like either a
Homicidal maniac,
Or a vampire.

I do realize
That conventional haiku
Contain nature themes,

And better line breaks.
So, here goes. Forgive my suck.
Five space-wasting chunks.

Spring. w00t. Sun also.
Birds chirp, fly; other cliches.
Nature is good. Yay.

This is hard. I'll stop.
Is seven syllables.