Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is it too pink?

I feel like I need to tell a story. I definitely need to write something and I'm relatively certain that no one wants to hear me complain about how hard it is for me to learn HTML, CSS and photo editing. The fact that my socials and science courses are available and look scary and extensive is probably equally dull. My weird interest in Olympic curling is, as I said, weird and hard to explain to other people. Actually, my attachment to the Olympics altogether is perplexing, even to myself. I watched hockey tonight. What does that even say about me as a person? Have I conformed to Canada's strange obsessions?

About the hockey game which I did watch in the background while reading my book* and it was anticlimactic. I will say that whenever Canada wins something I feel bad for feeling good because a) the other athletes deserve it all just as much, usually, and b) I really can't take any ownership of any athlete just because they happened to be born in the same country as me. So I do sympathize with the losing US hockey team but not too much. I mean, hockey is Canada's thing. That's all the people here have (well, some of the people. *I* have other things). Some things should not be taken away. Plus the women's hockey team kicks ass.

About the blog layout, what do you think? I'm trying to hone my skills at website building but what I'm actually doing is being lost in how confusing it all is. I've read some tutorials and that helped but I've no clue about the whole image thing so the best I can do right now is a header image on a plain coloured background. Are either of you more advanced at this? I love this blog layout: (the blog itself isn't bad either).

Anyway, I'm about to watch Twilight. There is nothing like a good trash talk viewing of Twilight to end a low key Thursday. Every time I watch this I feel like I should record out commentary and sell it for awesome.

Rachel's contribution: "I find it ridiculous that Kristen Stewart thinks that when she's looking all "dazzled" by Edward it's sexy when really she just looks like someone in a vegetative coma state.

I think the pink is a bit much.

*not Wuthering Heights but a charmingly easy to read YA fiction about a male protagonist called Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have.


Renata said...

I'm okay at it, there's a few good layouts with HTMl you don't have to do yourself... the pink was little blinding at first, I like this better.

Vita said...

Haha, perhaps it was a little much. I like these colors better as well. I'd try to help, but I am a complete failure at all this internet nonsense, so... can't do so much. :)

Twilight is one of the great comedies of the twenty first century.

PS, Canada and the US are like AWESOME NORTH AMERICAN COUSINS, so it's all good. :)

Vita said...

Oh, the only thing I have to contribute to the layout thing, is to ask if it's possible to make the blue a tad bit darker? It's very pretty, but it makes it a little bit harder to read the blog (at least on my screen). It doesn't need any drastic changes or anything, just a little adjustment, perhaps? :)