Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Likely Topic

All of January, I was bracing myself for The Exams of Last Thursday. It was all a little bit anticlimactic, to be honest. The exams themselves were pretty low-key. All month I've been telling myself, 'it's okay, Alex. Just get through to exam and then all your courses will be finished (save for art... bluh) and then you can move on to the next courses (science, socials and possibly Creative Youth Entrepreneurship, which sounds fascinating. Oh and PE... ew.) and then it'll be summer and you'll be finished with grade ten. Woot.'

But no.

I've finished the exams but salvation has not reached me yet. I still have some more stuff to complete, including, but not limited to, my art projects (for both English and Math), my independent projects (an essay on racism for English --which I am writing about the cover of Liar, by Justine Larbalestier and will post here for feedback-- and a report on some mathmetician or other --Daniel Biss, anyone?-- for math), my course evaluations, where I talk about how I feel my efforts were in each course and how the course could be awesomer in general and then last of all the journal for English where I express my understanding for narrating something myself or some such curriculum nonsense --I don't see why I can't just direct Lisa to all the blogs I wrote where I whined about my English course... there's actually something to that. I shall scan the archive. Blogging for school credit for the win!

Naturally, with all this stuff due around next week, I have succumbed to procrastination. It's a different type of procrastination than normal. I'm not actually aware that I'm doing it. Usually, when I have something to do, I'll put it off, telling myself I have lots of time, I can do it later or something like that and then I do something else, be it YouTube, Twitter, blogging, etc.
This time, it's different. I will open up my computer with the strict goal of finding and researching a mathmetician and I will soon find myself writing a blog about cheese*. Some psychic THING has taken over my brain and I completely forget about Daniel Biss. I don't even feel guilty about it as I do it because I don't realize I'm doing anything wrong. It's really not helping.

Today, I turned the internet off and that worked. I officially love the little toggle on the side of my computer that turns my wireless detectors off because it is the only way I can get anything done without watching Hayley's Five Awesome Girls video.

I'm sorry if there were too many parenthesis in there for you to follow along with me. Just know that however confused you are feeling right now, that is exactly how I feel when I set out to write an essay outline and end up perusing the internet for books reviews.

Oh, and I hesitate to mention this, but I've kind of started a collab YouTube channel with my friends and I posted a video on Tuesday (which is my day) which is bad but could be worse. So if you wanted to, like, watch it... you can do that. Just don't expect too much. *hesitantly posts link*

*There's no actually blog about cheese, that was made up. Don't get excited. It could happen in the future.


Vita said...

I watched your video; it's so funny! You have all the makings of a FAMOUS INTERNET PERSON ;)

Blech, your schoolwork doesn't sound too fun. Is your course supposed to be mostly self-motivated?

Alex said...

Self motivation is a staple in the life of an online learner. ;)

And, uh, thank you. I *am* only doing it for the fame, you know.