Friday, February 26, 2010

(Mostly) Untitled

This blog comes to you in three parts, as John Green would say (albeit in slightly vlogy-er terms).

1) AOL will not let me log in on either of my accounts.
This is very, very frustrating for me. Although it's only one day out of the three hundred twenty days that I need to log in,* I'm supposed to be sending an email to the MYP coordinator at my school. Technically I was supposed to send this three days ago, but I have a tendancy to avoid all MYP related activities and unfortunately this email falls under that category. Luckily it will only take about two minutes to write, but the fact remains that I NEED MY EMAIL TO WORK.

I feel like this is similar to that whole "my printer breaks at two a.m. the day my no-you-cannot-turn-it-in-late essay is due" phenomenon that plagues so many lucky fellows. I am forced to conclude that technology mocks us out of spite/boredom.

2) My father is convinced that using a computer will rot my brains.

He says this frequently. I attempt to point out to him that, unlike a television, many things on the computer require some degree of brain power and thus the likelyhood that I will actually harm my intellectual abilities by using one is quite slim. I understand that there is more to life than computer use, but really now.
Also I've had a long day (somewhat strangely, since I had a half schoolday aujourd'hui) and I don't feel like doing anything challenging ANYWAY so back off please. MERCI BEAUCOUP.

3) Today, I received a letter from Kenyon College.** I haven't opened it yet, but there is a picture of an owl wearing a baseball cap on the front of the envelope. He is asking, "Still waiting for your owl?"

YES, KENYON COLLEGE, YES I AM. My eleventh birthday was a sad one indeed.***

* I DO know my days of the year; I just don't check my e-mail EVERY day
** Not an official "we like you, please come to our college" letter but rather a "you did well on the PSAT and so we are going to send you lots of information about us" letter. It still makes me happy inside though, hahaha.
*** Not sure if this is an intentional reference to Harry Potter or not, but either way, I like Kenyon College.


Alex said...

How can you not open your mail the MOMENT you get it into your hands. That, to me, is an anomaly and you should be checked out by doctors. Or scientists.

That's all I have to say. I made the background darker. All good?

Vita said...

I literally have a box-ful of college letters. They get difficult to open after a while, especially when you're trying to preserve the envelope... hahaha.

Yes! The background is great. Thank you. :)

Renata said...

I'm with Alex. I don't like suspense even if it's all in my head. I always think, "YES, this could be a reminder from the dentist's office, OR it could be SOMETHING AWESOME, disguised as such."

Your HTMl skills pwn.