Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SNOW-- Insanity Edition

Yes, a topic photographically covered by the wonderful Vita, but SNOW has struck here. Bleh. Lots of it. Fluffy white mounds made of cute albino rabbits OF DEATH.

So what? We get quite a bit of it here, no suprise, it's February for crissakes. But, this is snow with a TWIST: Being trapped in a house with 3 of your closest (yet with "closest" also comes adjectives like "most mentally unstable especially when gathered in small spaces"...) relatives. So there's that. Moderately stress-inducing story of the last hour:

My grandmother was over at my house, general chattering ensues, then, abruptly, "HOLY SHIT IT IS SNOWING HARD!" Which it was. So everyone piles in the car to drive her back to her house, (she doesn't drive, refusing to become "one of those geezers who can't even see over the goddamn steering wheel" she would've walked had it not been nearly blizzardy conditions...) and it's pointed out that one of the windshield wipers is kind of askew. Once the destination is reached, the attempt is made to pop the lower half of it into its normal path. Result: the entire thing cracks off. Spend an alternating 15 minutes in the car and outside looking for a tiny black screw. Give up eventually and crowd into small kitchen. Call relative with functioning car. Wait. Much, much too long of a wait. People start to get claustrophobic and/or just plain testy. Moan about the snow. Yell at the stupid snow to STOP. Wait more. Raaaahg, that got annoying. You know the feeling you get, even if you're somewhere familiar, that where you currently ARE is not particularly where you SHOULD be?

Whatever, I'm glad it's over. I REALLY hope there's no school tomorrow though. (because-- duh, I want to sleep in-- and because I need another day to finish the essay *um, or two, possibly... heh.* I have so predictably procrastinated upon.*

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