Saturday, November 21, 2009


What do you mean, today isn't Friday? :P

On the topic of blogging (which I have been neglecting as of late), I blog because I am a crazy, crazy person.

I've attempted a few different blogs in the past, most of which ended up getting one post before they were abandoned. I suppose my challenge is writing for myself, as opposed to writing for myself AND somebody else. It's easier to talk when someone else is listening, isn't it? Maybe it's not like that for everyone, but it is for me. * At least you can pretend that you're getting something out of it. Okay, that sounds a bit on the selfish side - but it's true, or at least I think it is.

I started blogging in earnest because of BEDA, and the a greater extent because of M to the Johnson, and to an even greater extent, the internet hamsters. They control everything. They could probably solve world hunger if they put their minds to it and incorporated a few videos of singing cats. Because everybody knows the internet's sole purpose for being is so that cat videos have a place to live.

But I digress.

This specific blog we have going is more personal, though, or at least more interactive, because if nobody else reads it, at least we do. It's a bit like an open-letter writing campaign. And everybody likes getting letters. ** In reality, this blog is open to the public, but sometimes it feels like it's just a little corner of the internet. (I like to think of it as a nice squishy couch.)

Blogging is also a way to get all your opinions out. It's a great alternative to murdering people! Perhaps it should be incorporated into rehab facilities!

And, of course, I don't see myself stopping blogging *** any time soon because I would miss you guys too much. Curses, interwebz!

Would you ever consider videoblogging?
(I probably wouldn't, mostly because I'm lazy. But you never know...)

* Not that I don't talk to myself, because believe me, I do. I have very interesting conversations with myself, actually.
** Except the trees.
*** That sounds gramatically incorrect. Poo.

1 comment:

Renata said...

Just remember, arguing with yourself is only a problem when you end up losing. ;)