Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Mooniness and Epic Lements

The release of New Moon is growing nearer (one week from today and I'm going to be waiting in line at the movie theater with a legion of fans to see Rob Pattinson's bare chest. Yay?) and it casts me back to my dad's as a Twilight fangirl.

I could direct you to some older blog posts where I squealed about how excited I was for the release of Twilight, or the first time I reflected on how awful the movie was, but I don't really want anyone to see those. They're embarrassing. I don' t really know why I brought it up. Now I feel like I'm writing the back of a Lemony Snicket book where it's all 'don't read this book, it's horrible, blah blah blah, terrible things happen, put it back on the shelf'. I always thought those books were kind of irritating. Like reverse psychology, which I'm actually reading about in my Planning 10 course. But yeah, only read those if you want to have a really good laugh about how crazy I was a year ago.

Speaking of school, blasted thing, I'm [still] working on a stupid epic poem called Lemminkainen's Lament, which is a part of a Finnish epic thingy, the Kalevala. I have to say, the "hero" guy is a complete tool. I think I actually used the word douchenozzle in the summary I submitted. Now I have to rewrite it into a story book for children. Which means cutting down the part where Lem gets killed and dismembered and then patched up like Humpty Dumpty. Like, how does that translate to children's story? Lem kidnaps his wife and then goes to try and get a second one. It's crazy stuff. I didn't like the story and now I have to rewrite it into a freaking children's story AND a play. I shouldn't say I have to. No one is forcing me, per se. But it's there. And I feel like I should do it.

I'm trying to watch TV right now and I say trying because there are more commercials than actual television. I lack the data to back up this theory, but it could totally be true. Vampire Diaries is a very odd show and yet here I am waiting for the next tiny bit of information. Why am I being reminded of Twilight?

I don't have much to say anymore. Why is that? I should try and write some novel. I'm halfway through! The last sentence I wrote was, "I made French toast." That was exactly 25,000 words. All these months of Twitter are finally paying off. It's like I can sense how many words I have.

1 comment:

Renata said...

Next semester my elective is Child Life/Literature, (I didn't want to take cooking or drawing or Wood Tech, so that's what was left... Dr. Seuss FTW!) and I've heard the final project is writing a kids' book. Hope it's nothing like this! LOL. "Now children, here you will see a man with no arms in a pool of blood... but remember, KNIVES ARE BAD."