Monday, January 11, 2010


Oh yes, this is what this is turning into. Midterms, provincial exams, et cetera et cetera... (I'll take "Things capable of making kittens spontaneously combust" for FRENCH THE LLAMA WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS BEFOREHAND?!)

I explain: *big freshman n00b propeller beanie of FAIL firmly on head* This is my first time actually having midterms, meaning I had no clue (okay, a LIMITED idea of this, which until about a week ago I shrugged off completely.) that I'd need to SHOVE a semesters worth of information into my brain. Do not want. Have now been forced into position of cramming. Am currently taking convenient break so as to insure I don't go full-fledgedly insanobzonkerfuckingnuts. The situation I'm in:

a.) Really, not as bad as it seems.
b.) I mean, solid B's, not too shabby..
d.) How can I *really* study for English, anyway?
e.) Oooooh, World Studies is multiple choice. Me like.


a.) Oh, yes it is. You have forced yourself into a state of DELIRIUM, sad Rena. Oh, hell yes it is.
b.) My average is 86 or something, give or take for English/Spanish and math (take, crap.)
c.) I skipped c? Okay, byebye, basic comprehension of English language... I'll take this as a sign.
d.) My old buddy THE ESSAY. And some multiple choice about some passage. Ye shall save me.
e.) That's a 25% chance of guessing the answer? Hoorah. Alex, I feel quite the same way about WS as you do about Math. She just teaches it terribly. She birdcalls to get our attention and swears at us in Gaelic. I taught myself the difference between Athenian and Spartan governments by yelling, "THIS. IS. SPAAAAARTAAA!!!" after the latter list. Haven't seen the movie, but quotage of anything makes me remember stuff.

I suppose I'm in the same position as you somewhat, but only my schedule is different. No idea if either of you do it differently, but basically tomorrow I only have 3 periods-- one of which is PE, so I can use that to study for Math more yayz. I've been told to NEVER look at/possibly avoid sitting by the clock. Distraction and/or major source of pressure. constant... ticking...

I drafted this on Monday, and maybe this is the delirium talking but I'm not that nervous about much. Just Math, and that's the first one I have to get out of the way. That's a positive... (So, necessary delirium, because if I wasn't like this I'd be on the express train to Frenchthellamaville... :D)


Alex said...

Yay for themes!
I would like to meet this teacher of yours. Gaelic swears? Do tell. My ancestry hails from Scotland so there's a part of me screaming: I need to know how to swear in my grandparent's native language!

This is Sparta sounds like as good a way as any to remember stuff. Do you know any quotes that would help me remember trigonometry? GOOGLE Fu!

Renata said...

Only one, but it's from a poem: (and, regrettably, quite demotivational)

"Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head."