Bleh. Tis all smallish and blurry. This shall be fixed.
HERE it is in all its full-sized glory. If you look closely, you will see my name. And if you look directly to the right of that... I find that funny, almost like Wordle is accusing me of something... hehehe. >:)
I know what you're talking about, Vita. (It seems like a conspiracy though-- something the government could very well be working on. INTERNAL BIG BROTHER! :O) Not in a malicious weird way, just like, what do people notice? What are things that they see that impact them in a way that others would just overlook?
Which, in an odd and unrelated transition to school once again, is one of the reasons why I'm taking Sociology next year. (and yet they have up sign up for these things NOW.) That, and the fact that there is no final. And the assignments consist of watching The Simpsons and analyzing the human behavior or something. Interesting and easy, hoorah!
(MJ's "Actual John Green" video has sent me into pursuit of a puff wig, it's that awesome. She'd make a good third vlogbrother, especially if she had to do a PUNISHMENT.... moohaha.)
I have found a new obsession.
Sadly, I already knew that I use the word just too much in my novel. Now I just need to know what to do about it.
Ooh I laughed for about five minutes upon seeing what was next to your name. Yeah, they're either accusing you of somethin-somethin or trying to encourage it. Either way it seems a little rude. :(
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