Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Dignity Has Left The Building

I want my mommy.

I blame Alex.

I blame...?

Okay, so I'm reading Coraline, (while I still haven't seen the movie, regretfully. Now I don't think I want to, though.) and it has successfully frightened my nearly out of my wits. Just a few minutes ago I was convinced my Internet was hacked by the other mother. I jump at noises. It's 10:17, but everyone else in my household has gone to bed. I should not be reading this at this hour. It's SCARY as hell, but captivating, which is the worst part. It also says on the back cover that it's for "Ages 8 and up". One question:

WHO in their right mind would let an EIGHT YEAR OLD read this?!

But, fine. Okay. Eight-year-olds are possibly much more reasonable than me. This is a comforting fact. Aside from everything that makes me want to throw this book down and keep it out of my line of vision/thought forever, let's focus on the positives:

1. It's well-written.
2. There are illustrations. Who doesn't like books with pictures? Not the graphic novel version. These pictures are scarce, in black and white, and disturbing. Click it. I fucking dare you not to freak out a little.
3. Neil Gaiman is British. (I think I've mentioned that I can't stand it when lists have less than 3 items, but I can't think of a legit third. I really enjoyed Good Omens, which was very dark, certainly, but had many more redeeming qualities. I.e Crowley. Mmm, deadpan Antichrist.)

Maybe my emotions are just a bit heightened at this hour. But still. It's like a common nightmare, one of those dreams you have but then immediately forget after you wake up, left with only an air of what might have happened. Reading this tears open that memory, that you connect with on some subconscious level. And then your subconscious explodes.

And now, if you will excuse me, I have to go finish it. And then maybe sleep with the lights on.


Alex said...

I take no responsibility for you being scared out of your mind.
Honestly, though, the book wasn't that scary for me. Maybe it's because I skimmed through it in about an hour and a half or maybe it's because I read it at one in the afternoon, but it was no big deal.
And, just for reference, I am one of those people who gets easily freaked out and will jump, scream, and ask someone to walk to the bathroom with me and check behind the shower curtain. I get this from my dad who is also jumpy.

Renata said...

I know, I was just looking for someone to blame. ;)

Other than that, I fully acknowledge that I was exaggerating and/or being a priss.