Thursday, March 11, 2010

Story Time!

I have not looked at Twitter updates since Sunday afternoon and the reason for that is I missed the Academy Awards on Sunday night. The reason for that is I was at my writing course. I've always watched the Academy Awards with my family. We usually get dressed up and eat hors d'oeuvres. This time I missed so I haven't been on Twitter because I didn't want to spoil it for myself. I'm going to my dad's to watch it tonight and then I'll be looking at four days worth of Twitter, something I'm not looking forward to.

So my writing course. This month was storytelling which is awesome. I love telling stories. Writing them down is kind of weird but telling them is awesome. Now I will tell you the story of getting there.

I am rather transit savvy. If I ever take the bus with friends and they have trouble figuring out which side of the ticket to stick in, I laugh knowingly to myself. Number one rule of transit taking is to show up at the stop EARLY. Okay, so maybe this isn't number one. Number one is make sure you know what bus to take. Number two is always have exact change. That would make being early number three. You get the point. It's still important.

Knowing this we probably should have left five minutes earlier. We didn't. What we did do was get a ride with my sister's friend's mom who was coincidentally dropping off my sister's friend. Having been driven, we got there ten minutes early which, although better than being on time and missing the bus, is a bit anticlimactic. The other irritating thing that we realized was that I'd forgotten my homework and Rachel had forgotten her iPod. And so we stood there, not willing to sit down on the wet bench, each with one earphone of my iPod in. Fun times!

Rachel and I have been known to dance on a crowded Sky Train before. This time we refrained. We got on the bus and then stared out the window until we got there. I find that whenever I'm on a bus, no matter what reading material is in my bag, I always want to stare out the window.

I ran up the stairs of the train station, as I always do, and we sat down at the back of the train so we could watch the tracks appearing behind us. It's a simple pleasure. When the Sky Train goes underground, an irony I will never get over, it always reminds me of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Harry is... in the Chamber of Secrets. The walls are curved in a circle and the lighting contributes greatly to envisioning a massive basilisk roaming the tunnels. It would probably be killed by the trains that go every four minutes but one can imagine.

We resurfaced with forty five minutes to spare and, not wanting to be early, we ventured into a mall. That was a mistake.

Malls are scary places filled with fingerless mannequins and rabid consumers. We came up through a department store that was like Sears only scarier and posh, then we got the end of it, when we promptly turned around and went back where we came from. Then we sat in Starbucks until we saw the bus go buy in front of us, EARLY. We ran out, got on and then got off at our destination. Very simple.

Cue writing class. I heard two stories, one very profound one by a fellow FreeWriter and another by the session facilitator about a strange man in her house. I read mine to my critiquing partner and it was weird because if I write a story on paper, it's supposed to be read. If I tell a story orally, it's meant to be told. Therefore, reading my story off a piece of paper was weird.

Whatever, then it was over. Class ended late, as per the norm, and so we frantically left building, not knowing where the stop was. Imagine two frantic girls at a orangely lit intersection. We crossed to each corner of the intersection before going back the way we'd come and found the stop in the nick of time.

The ride home felt extraordinarily long and I mostly wrote and stared out the window, this time at blackness.
In other news the Eclipse trailer was released today. I'm not sure what to think of it. Let me know what you think...


Vita said...

ECLIPSE TRAILER! I saw that too! Thoughts, not considering the crappiness of the books, but just as a general "would I want to go see this if I knew nothing about it" thing:
1) Pretty scenery. Really. Washington - or wherever they filmed it if it wasn't filmed in Washington - is gorgeous.
2) Bad acting. Whispering ALL THE GODDAMN TIME does not convey emotion.
3) Iffy plot. I know, there are trailers that do nothing to tell you the plot of the movie on purpose (moo cup for Despicable Me! <3 ), but this one seemed like part of the plot to a generic soap opera that's trying to be weird.

Is your writing course a part of your school, or is something you do on the side of your own free will?

Alex said...

Free will. It's the best, right?

They filmed Eclipse HERE!! Not, as in, at my house, in my bedroom, but here as in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. I've actually been to Bella's house, it's close to my friend's.

Also, I thought I'd mention that my sister *nearly* saw Rob Pattinson at the BAFTAs which are British movie awards. She was one of those crazy people who stand at the end of the red carpet and try to see people and she ducked down to tie her shoe the moment RPattz got out of his limo. It was fate.

Renata said...

1. Then I wantz go to Vancouver. Iz pretteh.
2. I agree with Vita. It's the book that makes for the terrible movie, and RPattz & crew don't do it any favors either.
3. Your course sounds like fun. I'm doing something of the sort, but it mostly teaches that using an animated, saccharine voice whilst making up a story about rabbits going fishing totally orally and impromptu = BEST STORYTELLING SKILLZ EVAR. I'd like some free will. I blame public school. ;)