Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Perils of Cheese

My sister is reading Paper Towns for book club and this makes me very happy. Also, I'm writing a script with my darling sister (my younger one, the one who didn't reject my idea on the spot). All this means I'm happy. FYI, my script is going to be a movie which I'm describing as 500 Days of Summer meets Amelie (which is a French film). This is not what I am here to tell you. What I am here to tell you is that organic food may be pricey but it's ultimately worth it.

You see, last week I promised a group of people that I was only going to eat organic dairy and vegetables this week. This seemed like it would be mostly easy as my family already drinks organic milk (even though it's priced exorbitantly high) and we eat organic yogurt (mmhmm, French vanilla) and mostly buy organic veggies, when they're available.

I hope you all know what organic means and why it's mucho importante, but if not, allow me to tell you. Organic basically implies that a food has been grow (or produced) without genetic modification or insect killing pesticides. It means all natural and healthy. It's important because corporations may say that pesticides aren't harmful to humans but they can be. Let's just say that the cure to cancer may be eating only organic, not that I'm claiming to know the cure for cancer but it's a definite possibility. Pesticide kills more than pests.

Anyway, back to my mission. You see, on day two, I realized that I can't eat any of my usual snacks without cheese so I set out to the grocery store to buy cheese. I wanted to cry as a stood there in front of the organic cheese which was tiny and very expensive. Cheese is already expensive but this cheese was more so. But I took it off the shelf and proceeded to the self check out where I wrung in my purchase and left the store, carrying seven less dollars and a tiny block of cheese. I'm trying to think of something to describe the size but I'm failing to think of any rectangular objects that are the size of my cheese.

I've had a couple slip ups this week but mostly because what am I supposed to do a) when my mother makes me soup that contains non-organic zucchini or b) I go to a friend's house where I have a choice of pumpkin pie, ice cream and a latte none of which contain organic products...? But mostly I've felt good about myself.

The moral of the story is, organics may be a tad more money than crazy mutated food but, if you factor in the health and environmental benefits, you're actually saving yourself a lot. Sorry for the somberness of this. Somber seems like the wrong word but still. I'm trying to impart some knowledge here. Save yourselves!!!

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