Monday, May 11, 2009

Contemplating the Yellow Brick (Country) Road

[Today will be a bit of a "I don't feel like being organized!" blog. That basically means that I am a) going to ramble on for a bit, b) answer Rena's question, c) pose a new question, and d) leave. : ) ]

This really deserves a blog post of its own, but I'm a bit rushed for time (nothing major - just some homework I still need to do) so I'll just touch on it here. I may come back to it, or maybe I won't? Who knows? I certainly don't. Unfortunately, I lost my Magic 8 ball that predicts the future many years ago.

To be honest, I am dumbfounded by the absurd number of people who still seem to consider women to be in a lower class of Human Bean than men. (Astonishingly, some women feel this way. What the flipping crap? Why would you want to oppress yourself? Seriously, people, get a grip!) This is ridiculous enough on its own, but when you listen to their arguments for it - that just makes me angry.

Consider the following arguments (not necessarily taken verbatum from an Obnoxious Person, but close enough):

1) "Dude, women aren't even smart. All they want is my money and, like, shoes. None of my girls want power. The other ladies just gotta shut up."
Response: Er, what the f@%k? I don't know what kind of women you know, but either they are really, really poor excuses for the female gender, or you're just an stupid a$$hole who doesn't know the first thing about what women want (not that it can even be classified in one word, because, surprise surprise, we all want different things).
Also, I don't appreciate being treated like an inferior human being. And I'm clearly not inferior, because my vocabulary seems to be larger than yours. Oh dear! Try going back to school, perhaps? Or just go back to the rock under which you so obviously live.

2) "I have nothing against women, but the thing is, feminists don't want equality. They want power. Women don't want to be equal to men, they want to rule everything."
Response: I think that I actually understand where this stems from. I believe that these people look at feminists, look at women lawyers, doctors, and politicians, look at women who are aiming to become CEOs of large corporations, and panic. I'm not sure if it's because they feel threatened by the (somewhat) new competition, or if it's just because they're idiots, but they just don't seem to be able to deal with it. True feminists want equality. When we lobby for equal pay, we want equal pay. We don't want pay that is 5% higher than yours, we want to be fairly paid for the work we do. When we run for president, it's not because we to make government women only, it's because we want to be president. And seriously? Look around you. How many women are there in the federal governement? And how many men are there? Right. How many women have been president of the United States? And how many men have been president? Oh, right. I definitely see where men are being pushed out of their jobs. *sarcasm*

I've always loved this feminist slogan, which I believe does an excellent job of summing up the feminist mindset:
"Feminism: The radical notion that women are people."

Rena asked: You're walking along on an abandoned country road when you come to a point where the road splits into two paths; left and right. Which do you choose, and why? Also, even though this really makes it 3 questions, what do you hope to find there?

Left. Definitely left. Because in every single horror movie, everybody ALWAYS chooses right and it's ALWAYS the bad choice. ALWAYS. * I mean, just look at this episode from Scooby Doo:

Am I right? Eh, ehhh?
There are many things I hope to find at the end of this ADVENTURE. However, I believe the most important thing we can give the world is PEACE, so I hope that I will find WORLD PEACE in a compact, tangible form (which I can then unfurl and distributed globally) at the end of the left fork.
Just kidding.
Don't get me wrong, I really really want world peace, but let's be honest, that answer is NO FUN.
Let's consider our options. This is a country road. I am, presumably, on my own. It is possibly dark. There may be dark, ominous clouds gathering on the horizon. This is a country road. Obviously, there is only one thing that would make everything better:

I would like to find ALL OF THIS (especially the Scarecrow, who is played by Neil Cicierega, who makes the Potter Puppet Pal videos! I know! Ahh!). Yes?

Question! Regardless of whether you believe in God/another religion/God-like figure or not, what so-called mythical creature/idea/object/person would you like to see brought to life? This can include God him/herself (assuming that God isn't real . . . or if you think he/she is real, then I suppose you could use this as a definitive "yes God is real and I can PROVE IT!" type of wish), Greek gods, dragons, unicorns, good Miley Cyrus songs . . . hehe ;)

* Or, you know, just in Scooby Doo. BUT I LOVE SCOOBY so I'm going with him. WWSD?


Renata said...

FEMINISM FTW! Some crazy people disagree, but they can just go crawl to their tinybrain hole.

On a happier note: SCOOBY DOO ALSO FTW! I'm glad my question provoked mention of this epic tv show.

Alex said...

Not a huge fan of Scooby. I always thought the show itself was a bit stupid and the characters are really stereotypical. Of COURSE the nerdy member of the group is a girl.

Even as a kid, I thought most cartoons were lame, though this excludes Arthur with is made of awesome. I LOVE ARTHUR THE ARDVARK!

In response to Rena, I was a bit confused as to what FTW means but I used my excellent brainpower and I think I've got it figured out. I could be woefully mistaken but: for the win?

Renata said...

Yes! Brainpower FTW! (get it? I tend to go a bit FTW overboard...)

Vita said...

GASP! Ehmagah how could you even SAY that?! ;)
Generally I'm not a huge huge fan of cartoons (although yes, Arthur is FTW) but I absolutely love the original Scooby Doo series.
What I don't like is the new Scooby, which includes both the remakes of the original show, and the show where all the characters are small(ish) children. It annoys me SO MUCH.
I hate Fred with a burning passion, it's true. I always thought that it was kind of cool how Velma was the smartest one, though (honestly ... she is much, much more intelligent than Fred). I guess I agree that the show is a bit stereoptyical, but hey, I can't help but like it. ;)