Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Watch Sports?

Here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for, the official debut of our* blog. For this occasion I need to write something special, to remember this day by, so I choose... *drumroll...*
Yes, it's a rather exciting topic. So many people on this planet are wrapped up in sports, it's hard not to blog about it eventually in a person's blogging career.

I'm not a huge fan. I don't see the excitement in watching a game of *insert sport here*. I like to play sometimes, but sitting on my couch and watching people run around on the screen does not sound as exhilarating.
The reason this is on my mind is because 1. there's some sort of Stanley Cup fiasco going down at this moment, and 2. I just watched the movie Wimbledon. The exception to my rule of not finding sport watching very consuming is fake sports. Movie sports. Those kind are a lot more intriguing. Let's face it, when there's drama and personal interest involved, things get a lot more absorbing.
I really like the movie Wimbledon, not just because they play tennis, but because it's well written, witty, and the characters are som
ewhat endearing. The tennis, though, is a nice bonus. I can watch the nail biter game at the end of the movie again and again, and I still feel like I'm IN the game, or at least in the stadium. You feel connected with the player, and that makes for better entertainment.

I also like figure skating and dancing, two that are usually exempt from the sports category. I love watching people move that gracefully, and, I guess, wishing I could do something like that... I don't watch sports often, but I'll always stay on a channel playing So You Think You Can Dance a little longer than I would when normally flipping through (that is, until my sister demands we watch something else). I respect dancers and figure skaters.

The only *real* sport that I can watch, though admittedly not for too long, is soccer. I don't know why, maybe because I used to play (when I was eight) and understand the rules better, but it's the most appealing to me. I wouldn't watch it all the time, but I can tolerate it. I UNDERSTAND other sports (the basic rules), what I don't understand is why anyone would want to play them that frequently with that amount of seriousness. Wouldn't it take all the fun out of the game if it was your job?

Vita, I'll... read you tomorrow. Oh and a question for you (Vita): what kind of sports to you like to watch/play?

*A brief history: The one thing we initially had in common is that we were all participating in Maureen Johnson's project, Blog Every Day April (BEDA). When MJ decided to pair the BEDAzzlers all up into BEDA Buddie groups to read, comment on, and support each other's blogs, it was fate, or rather just MJ's geniusness, that grouped us together. We made it through the month, dutifully (and beautifully?), and when it was over we were all a bit sad. To lift out spirits we decided to start a group blog, and despite our distance and differences, that is what we have done. You, lucky reader, are in for quite the enchanting journey.

v--- posted at 11:11am--make a wish!


Vita said...

This post is so true.
I've never seen "Wimbledon," but the description reminds me of the movie "Gracie," which is about soccer (well, it's about a lot of other stuff too, but soccer's pretty flipping important). It actually made me cry, especially at the final climatic soccer game - I would never get that emotional about sports IRL. Haha :)
PS, excellent kick-off to the whole joint blogging thing! *even more dance dance*

Renata said...

I saw "Bend it like Beckham" once, which was about soccer, I think. I'm not that good at competitive sports, but I like to play them for fun. I beat people at mini-golf a LOT. It's fun. As for watching sports, you can't live withing a 10 mile radius of Chicago and not pick sides in sports. I may have mentioned that I am a hardcore Cubs fan. But if I haven't: I AM A HARDCORE CUBS FAN!