Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day of Nothing

I slept until 2:00 pm today.

Yes, I said it. I'm not sick or jet-lagged as far as I know, some days it just feels damn good to be lazy.

I'm a terrible person. Sloth is a sin and all that. I'm being exceptionally slothful and awful and lazy today. An incomplete list of THINGS I HAVE DONE:

1. Sleep.
2. Contemplate more sleep.
3. Eat a muffin.
4. Shower. (though still in jammypants and a sweatshirt advertising Toronto, Canada. When did I ever acquire this? Why does it feel the need to proclaim that, yes, Toronto IS in Canada. It just seems too obvious. This is probably kids size though so it may be seen as some kind of geography lesson. Oh well. Sooooo comfy...)
5. Play with Photobooth, the only thing AJ* is capable of.
6. Teh internetz.
7. Television viewing. Currently some documentary on cats is on in the background. My mom is yelling at a cat owner on TV with on obese cat. Not because she let the cat become this fat, but because she named it Mopar.**
8. Eating other assorted things I can't remember.
9. ..... not much else.

Some days it just feels damn good to lazy. That's my only explanation. But I'll probably stay up til 5 am because of this excessive weird sleep schedule. Maybe I will make waffles for all of the world. *starts planning*


Dressing up-- Um, hellz ya. That covers it. It's FUN.

Novel writing-- Going okay. Slow, but okay. I never agreed to this so-called deadline so if I don't finish even the first draft until 2010 I'll be happy. There's always revision. :)

YouTube-- Hank and John, DUH! :P Aside from them, I love Michael Buckley.

Question: If you could create your own holiday (for yourself or some equally worthy cause...) what would it be?

*Short for Apple July, (formerly Jack, for Mac/Apple puns...) which is what I have named my Internetless Mac. Maybe I'll post pictures of whatever sometime just because playing with technology is also FUN. I at least need a profile picture, jeez. Curse you old Windows!
** My mom is like this, but seriously, MOPAR?!

1 comment:

Alex said...

I'm jealous of your mac. Just so s'you knows.