Monday, December 21, 2009

I want your ugly, I want your snowflakes that stay on your nose and eyelashes

You know those days when you spend twelve hours alternately singing "Bad Romance" by Lady G-g-g-g-gaaagaaaa and "Favorite Things" from The Sound of the Rolling Hills That I Would Actually Really Like to Live In and/or Visit Music?

I'm actually quite good at singing the latter. Well - of course, of course - I have an absolutely gorgeous singing voice on a normal day; I'm sure I don't need to remind you. I'm always in tune, I can do those little wobbly notes perfectly - gosh, I bring MYSELF to tears every time I start. I'm just THAT GOOD. *

Still, my ability to sing most of the soundtrack to The Sound of Music has greatly been improved as of late to even higher heights. "Higher" in terms of quality, of course, not pitch.

Snow days provide this sort of opportunity to explore my many talents.

Oh, by the way, it snowed MORE THAN TWO FEET on Friday and Saturday. WHAT THE EFFING FREAK. Not that I'm complaining (no school for two extra days, and did I mention the SNOW?) but really, people, this is Maryland, where we normally get school off for three inches. I was in third grade the last time it snowed almost this much. Somehow the snow seemed taller then... probably because I was a wee tot (sort of).

Anyways. I'm often critical of the entire music fanbase because 95%** of people who like any sort of music are REALLY REALLY OBNOXIOUS about it. Either you're slammed for liking "mainstream" music or slammed for liking "indie" music. You're "shallow" for not liking classic rock, yet you're a "poser" if you do. If you don't have any particular attachment, you're not serious enough, but if you obsess over a certain band you need to chill out?

To which I say: NO. NO NO NO.

It all drives me mad. I can't think of anything else that makes people so - to put it plainly - annoying. Calm the eff down, people, not everybody likes the same things you do.

That's not to say that I don't have an opinion on music. I think 95% of the things that Miley Cyrus sings are annoying, I think Nickleback is crap, I honestly can't stand The Rolling Stones no matter how much I like their logo, and I can't listen to more than three minutes of rap at a time.

But I don't attack other people because they like those things, which is the difference! I fully admit that I have occasionally annoyed one of my friends by making fun of Miley Cyrus, and for that I apologize, but it's not like I go around beating people over the head for liking her.

What do I know, anyways? I like everything from Britney Spears to MIKA to The Beatles to Slade to ABBA to wrock to pretty much every musical soundtrack ever written to, yes, even Lady Gagagagagaga. *** I'm not a fanatic about all of them; for some of them, I haven't even heard all of their songs. Music is different for everybody, though, and I fully support the idea of everybody just backing off. YAY!


* jk.
** or 10%, but whatever...
*** who I didn't used to like, but she's grown on me.


Astrid said...

I know, I know, I'm completely guilty of bashing people's musical choices. :/
But honestly, some people...EW. Why expose your ears to such crap?

Vita said...

It's okay, I'm used to you and your metally ways. ;) Some people are so pretentious about it, though...