Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmastime-ish! (here?)

Why do I always seem to post on the first of the month? I guess that's just the way the days fall, but it does turn out that way quite a bit.

Anyway, it is now December! Woop woop! This means many things:

1. NANO IS NO MORE. I know I should be a little sad, mourn it a little; but mostly I'm just relieved. It's nice to have some sanity back. Are you guys going to finish yours? (Ahem, Alex, since you're DONE: do you plan on revising? Like, immediately?)

2. *refer to 1* I am sane.(ish-y-er) *dance party time* *putting of things on head* Yessss, this is how I celebrate my sanity!!!

3. It's officially Christmas? I don't know, it probably started in September when no one was watching. It sneaks up earlier and earlier every year... I love the holidays, really, but only when "the holidays" are something special. When they're something to look foward to, that had it's own (month-long-ish) season. Now it's too much, you know?

4. World AIDS month. I don't know anyone personally affected, but it's so unfortunate I felt like I should mention it. I feel more sympathy for people with AIDS than say, who died of a drug overdose. Two different categories, but the latter had SOME control of their own death. There's the same point for AIDS/abstinence buried in there but it's not as DIRECT.

Whoops I have to stop this short but that's the thing for you that once it happens, IT's X-mas officially?

1 comment:

Vita said...

CHRISTMAS! OMGZ I know. Like those people who decorate right after Halloween? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Santa Clause isn't coming to town for another two months, silly people!

I love how Christmas is sort of a national holiday in a way. TECHNICALLY it's religious, but half of America doesn't celebrate it as such. I have friends who aren't Christian who still "do Christmas." It's more of a family/friends/no school/happy/giving presents time. :D