Thursday, December 17, 2009

Self sufficiency check out

Apparently, we've just hit 200 posts on this blog. Yay! Here comes 201. No guarantees on quality or any of that nonsense. :P

I didn't blog on Sunday. Oops. My only explanation is that I forgot. All day I was thinking, "It's Sunday; I must write a blog. Maybe if I wait until later I'll have a brilliant brainwave," and then I went to bed and woke up the next morning thinking, "It's Monday; I forgot to blog yesterday." It'll never be an excuse worthy of 'the dog ate my homework/blog/computer,' but what can you do other than move on which is what I am doing as soon as I finish this sentence.

I was at the grocery store the other day when I thought of the topic for this blog. I've always been fascinated with self check out aisles and the reasons people use them. I know I love them, but it's weird contemplating why. Possible reasons:
  1. You like pressing the buttons on the touchscreen even when the machine fails and blinks red lights, forcing the attendant to come and help you 9 out of 10 times.
  2. You misguidedly believe it's faster than the regular people aisle.
  3. You don't feel like talking to anyone or communicating in any way. This could be because you're feeling anti-social, in a bad mood, or just don't like people in general.
  4. It makes you feel self important.
  5. You are practicing for your possible future as a cashier.
Maybe this is only diverting to me. Whenever I'm in one such line, I always feel compelled to ask my fellow queuers why they are there. Is it because of one of the stated reasons above or another entirely? I never actually talk to anyone about it, but I constantly think about it.

On another note it is Project for Awesome day. From the time I woke up until about 12:30pm I was commenting on videos. That's, like, four hours. It went by so fast and then I had to go and clean the house because tonight was POT LUCK night! Every year for the past few years we've had a pot luck at my house which is always amazing. I love pot lucks. It's like my dream and I always eat too much but it's so wonderful to have so much food in so much variety.

God, I'm such a fatty. Not in physical reality, but in spirit. I just love food. So much. Carbs and butter and cheese. Om nom nom. I love to eat. I need to exercise more. New Years resolution?


Renata said...

I spent 4:30pm-6pm p4a-ing nonstop. I am shamed by your earlier, longer endeavor into it. It was crazy, but it was awesome.

(I also totally have the mentality of a fat person. "Food is good. I like it, I eat it." I'm just a lucky fat person.)

Vita said...

DEFINITELY agree with both of you. thank lawd for high metabolism rates!

I think the touching buttons part of self-checkouts are the best part. There's something so... powerful about it. :D