Thursday, December 10, 2009

YOU could title a novel!

Look at that, it's Thursday again. The week is nearly at an end and I have still not applied for work at the library. The Goddess Procrastination is hanging out on my computer desktop. I will prevail, though. Just as soon as I've read the blogs of the day. Oh, and once I've watched my YouTube subscriptions. Sometimes Wednesday are a blessing.

I HAVE NEWS!!! I finally finished the unit on epic poetry. Or maybe not because the next unit involves the Odyssey but I may just skip over that to Romeo and Juliet because I'm a home schooler and I CAN DO THAT. But anyway I just submitted (as in like fifteen minutes ago) the final assignments for the idiotic wonder of stupidity that is Lemminkainen's Lament, Finland's worst piece of fiction ever written. And I am very happy with myself. Over a month of procrastination has come to fruition, even though the actual writing was awful and will probably get a low mark, I don't care. I'M DONE! It's time for a novel study or a tragic play. I FEEL LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!

I've kind of sort of started to edit my novel which is going slow but good. Something is holding me back and I'm relatively certain that that thing is that my title sucks and fails to encompase the entire book. Plus my sister thinks it's generic. I just think it's stupid. 'Dancing with Ro.' Seriously... no imagination.

So I'm enlisting you people. I'm about to explain my book and then you can come up with title suggestions, okay? I knew you'd want to help. You're wonderful. Even if you don't have any wonderful suggestions any word of phrase may spur some revelation of my own.

There's three narrators. Ro, Clementine and Bella.
Ro is a sort of cynical, roll your eyes sort of person with dramatic tendencies. Her plot involves her meeting Bakery Boy and falling in love... but then there's some sort of issue and they break up, etc. etc.
Clementine is a crazy poet with a ton of ideas and quirky habits. Think run on sentences and skipping down the middle of the street at midnight. Her plot isn't extremely developed but it's kind of about how she's looking for inspiration in her life and... stuff.
Bella is my least developed character and I find the parts I write about her to be dry and terribly written. But she's a social activist and vegan and I'm going to make her feisty and opinionated. She's dating a somewhat personalityless guy and her plot is about more figuring stuff out and breaking up with Dan and stuff.

Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants meets The Breakfast Club, minus the pants. Yes? I don't even know if it's defined enough to have any title ideas or if that's something I need to do but if you have any ideas at all, please tell me. :)

Q: What is the funniest sounding number/word?
A: Eleven. Isn't it curious that there's three e's in 11 and they all sound different. To me, at least. (ee-leh-vin) As for a word: exacerbate. That word just creeps me out. It's like a mixture of exasperate and ... something else.

Q: What are your exciting winter break plans?
A: Since you asked... I celebrate two holidays in December. On the 21st it's the winter solstice, during which I eat lots of good stuff and open lots of presents from my mom. On the 24th, I go to my dadio's and steal the neighbours wireless internet and eat more yummy food and then go to sleep with all of my sisters in the same room, a tradition that is always a laugh. Then on the 25th I wake up and open presents from Santa (my dad still enjoys the charade, although last year might have been Santa's last official visit) and eat a delicious breakfast and then more food for dinner.
When we lived in Ontario we used to go to relatives' for Christmas dinner but now we're far away so we've become hermits.
Why are the holidays mostly about food? I'm not complaining, as I love food, but it's funny that when we get together and celebrate we ALWAYS eat awesome stuff. Ah, traditions. They're quite something.

I might have a Harry Potter fest and then hole up and read Romeo and Juliet and watch West Side Story (which is part of the R&J project thing).

Q: What do you want for Christmas (if, of course, you celebrate it with presents and such)?


Renata said...

Teehee! :D To contribute to the immaturity of a word that just SOUNDS LIKE another word: masticate. heheh...
The very definition of sophmoric, I haz it.

As for the title, random things are always fun. Just a phrase totally unrelated to the plot. Like, "Fear of Strawberries" or "I was Eaten by an Orca Whale" or "Reasons People Should Not Read Books (the book)"

Vita said...

DUDE. I'm reading The Odyssey in English. It's pretty meh... not the worst thing I've ever read, but it's sort of repetetive. And long.
However, I suggest you watch the movie regardless of whether or not you read the epic poem. (I don't know if it's funnier if you've read the book or not... I don't think it matters; we started watching it while we were still on Book 2 or something.) It's SO BAD, but it's SO FUNNY. :D

I'd help you out on your titles, but I am actually horrible at coming up with titles for things (as evidenced by the titles on, like, ALL my blog posts). :( It'll come to you eventually! :)

Ha, that's so funny, because I pronounce "eleven" like "uh-leh-vin," not "ee-leh-vin." Mmmmmr.

Renata said...

We're reading The Odessy later this year too. Cool. Some of the movies of English books are the best. DUMBLEDORE was in the Count of Monte Cristo last year! Awesomeness...