Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hilarious Reality

I love coming home. It's much better than leaving, although I do enjoy travel immensely. There's something miraculous about driving back to your house after a couple weeks away and sleeping in your bed for the first night in ages.

Unfortunately, or not so unfortunately if you look at it differently, my homecoming will be short-lived as I am set to leave today, in a few hours actually. I am headed to the States, or one in particular, to accompany a friend to a dog show thing. Anyhow, I'll be in Washington for the next five days so if I can't make it to a computer on Sunday to blog, forgive me. I am most likely still alive.

Staying with my aunt was an interesting experience. The reason I asked about the television shows is because when I'm there i'm exposed to a lot of shows that I wouldn't normally watch. For example, The Bachelorette. Under usual circumstances, I would think this show was an irritating, over dramatised, lame idea*. However, it was entertaining to watch once, and who doesn't love to sit down on the couch with a bunch of girls and watch girly shows?

I also ended up seeing a snippet of a show I'd heard much about but never seen, Hell's Kitchen. I'd seen the commercials where they show Gordon Ramsey screaming at people for being idiots and the special effects fire coming out of his ears, but never had the chance to see the guy in action, so it was with much anticipation that we flipped the channel and watched the show.

What a riot. Seriously, that guy is so awesome at insulting people. At times, yes, I feel bad for the people on the show, but when you think about it, they signed up for it. They want to be there. It's insane, but it's true.

Anyway, I might have to start watching just because I'm so intrigued as to what this guy will do next. You have to wonder how he got so far in his career with that temper. Imagine a dishwasher throwing down plates and yelling at someone for feeding raw fish to a pregnaunt women. How did he get promoted to having a show of his own?

Reality TV is fascinating, but I think if you watch too much you can get a little hopeless about the state of our world. It's best taken in small unconcentrated doses.

Q: Do you like tuna?

A: I, as a somehwat lax vegetarian, eat fish. Tillapia, trout, cod, tuna, etc. I don't eat tuna a lot--it's just not a regular meal component--but I do like it somewhat.

*who wants to date multiple guys at the same time in hopes of finding a husband. Also, what kind of guy is okay with you kissing and sometimes sleeping with other guys? Sick, desperate, perverts, that's who.**

**to add on to my footnote, I will say that I really like these footnotes. I like to use them when you're going to be telling a story, or going off topic, because it keeps the blog nice and focused, but you get to tell the story at the bottom. Anything too long for parenthesis? Put it at the bottom.

Q: What's the haps? (Are you having a satisfactory summer? Have you seen HP yet?)
Q: (for the comments, if you please) Have you read the Mortal Instruments? What about Gabrielle Zevin? I'm re-reading/reading all of these and I was wondering if you had, by chance, happened across them.


Phrases to adopt: "By the angel"


Vita said...

I very much agree with you on how nice it is to sleep in your own bed after a long(ish) time away. My own bed is nothing special, really, but it's sooo comfortable to me. :D

Are you going to Washington State? Perhaps you will see the CULLENS, oh wouldn't that be a joy? If that happens, you must take pictures. ;)

No, I can't say that I have read Mortal Instruments or anything by Gabrielle Zevin. :/ Should I? I seem to remember you blogging about Mortal Instruments back in the days of BEDA (ah, BEDA, how I miss you)... perhaps I shall read them when I get the chance.

Renata said...

Agreed. My bed is probably comfortable to only 1 person in the universe, that person being me.

Yes, Cullen-spotting is being considered for the new official state sport of Washington.

Gordon Ramsay is terrific. Really. He is not for anyone who is even remotely sensitive, but that's what they subject themselves to. DONKEYS!!!!!

(The only reason I asked is because several people I know think tuna is equivalent in taste and texture to human flesh. These people are crazy.)

Renata said...

Oh, no I haven't. Methinks I shall try to acquire these books, as you have quite intrigued me...

Alex said...

Good, good, they are quite excellent books. Gabrielle Zevin's books are quite thought provoking. The one I'm reading at the moment is about a girl who hits her head and forgets every memory she had for the past four years. Interesting stuff.

And the Mortal Instruments are simply divine. Addicting even.

Oh and I'll say hello to the Cullens for the both of you. I thought you couldn't take pictures of vampires, though? Maybe it'll just be a sparkly blur.

Vita said...

Ooh, sounds intense. :D Let me... just... OOH I found the summary of the book you're reading on her website (Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac?). Veeery interesting.

Sparkles would be acceptable. Do you think they come with sound effects in real life?

Alex said...

Not sure about the sound effects, but I'm sure you could make your own. All you need is some wind chimes or other sound effect skills.

Vita said...

*new comment record, whoop whoop!*

TRUE, so I hope you are planning on taking wind chimes and/or those musical triangle things with you. Be prepared... :D