Saturday, July 11, 2009

A look into the minds of fellow Googlers via autocomplete

After my disgustingly long, rambling comments on both of your blogs, responding to those blogs within my blog would be redundant and also more annoyingly ramble-y. Before I start to ramble about rambling, (the more I type the word "ramble", the weirder it looks...) my completely original idea today was to expose the "most popular" searches on Google. (I actually re-watched a vlogbrothers video wherein John told us that the most popular ending to the question "Is Edward Cullen...?" is, "Is Edward Cullen real?" (to which the answer is NO. Sorry, fangirls.)

Without further ado, I will now begin common questions, and provide the first thing Google THINKS I'm searching for.

What-- is twitter?
Where--'s my refund?
When-- is easter 2009?
Why-- is the sky blue?
How-- to tie a tie?
Is-- bronchitis contagious?

Most of these seem to have easy answers, but apparently thousands of inquiring Googler minds want to know.

I have answered Vita's question already in aforementioned grossly long comment(s), so I will skip to Alex's!

I suppose planes are an important means of transportation, but the OTHER PEOPLE on planes, I don't like. Most of them (sorry if I'm stereotyping, there has got to be SOME "normal" people on planes...) are rude, loud, annoying, or gross. But this is what ipods are for. I don't care what it does to my eardrums, noise blocking is more important.

Meh... brain no think of question. Pick one of mine you haven't answered. There's a few. (Or answer one you've already answered with a different answer. I'm not trying to guilt you, I'm just being lazy.)

1 comment:

Vita said...

People ask such interesting things on Google, I see. The only question that wasn't a mild surprise was "Why is the sky blue?" because it's sort of the classic "why" question, if you know what I mean. The Easter question seems slightly random, but whatever.