Monday, July 20, 2009

A Talking Point

I don't understand all the extra letters.

"ohhh, my godd.! so likee i just saw theeeee most ahdorable thingg everr, -& noww it's likee, i can't evehn gettt it outttt of mah headddd.!(:"

If you're reaaaaally excited about something or if you want to stress a point a loooot, I find it acceptable. In casual online conversation, most people aren't checking for exact grammar and spelling. But I don't really see the benefits of adding a crapload of extra letters (not to mention peculiar punctuation) to every other word in a sentence. It doesn't look pretty... it just looks kind of stupid.

I guess if it's how you express yourself, go for it? Seriously though, it makes your sentence much harder to read (perhaps that is the point; it's like a secret code!). And it doesn't make you super-cool. On the contrary.

*desperate attempt to make blog longer* If you have nothing else to do, I highly suggest you go watch "A Very Potter Musical." (It's on Youtube.) Funniest. Thing. Ever. (Surprisingly good songs, too.)
I apologize for all the Potter talk; I'm sure I'll find something else to distract me for a while sooner or later. Right now, though... a Harry life is the only life. ;)

Least favorite TV show? I very rarely watch TV, actually. I'm sure you all have seen much worse TV shows than I have; I tend to forget them fairly quickly. But I'd have to say... the O'Reilly Factor on FOX. God, I hate him. It's not that his opinions are usually different than mine - for the most part, that's okay. It's just that he's so rude and ignorant and crude and generally stupid. ARGH.

[In case you couldn't tell, I am suffering from a severe case of Writer's/Blogger's Block at the moment. Hopefully I will have regained my "spark" by Friday.]


Alex said...

ommmmmggg, I tooootttallly agggree with youuuu.

I don't understand why either. Oh maybe I could ask someone. The question is: how do I ask them without sounding pompous and nitpicky?

I mean, I know that being grammatically correct is not a negative trait, as do you, but there's grammatically correct, and then there's control freak. A fine line divides the two.

Thanks for recommending the musical. You are the second, so I will find time to watch it tomorrow. ;)

Renata said...

yessssss thisss isss verrrrryyy annoyyyying. It also makes you sound like a snake. I try pretty hard to avoid typos, (though the occasional error is inevitable...) and it's really hard not to just YELL AT THE N00BS. But seriously, doesn't proper grammar make you sound smart and proper? Who doesn't want that? Why would anyone purposefully want to sound like an idiot?

Yes, I must watch this musical...