Friday, July 9, 2010

Albino Black Sheep

Hey, y'all. I desperately need to go to sleep, so I leave you with the promise of a legitimate blog on Monday. (I already know what I'm going to say, promise!)

In the meantime: Did you guys ever hear of a website called AlbinoBlackSheep? It was all the rage when I was in fourth, especially fifth, and maybe even sixth grade; Youtube wasn't invented until I was in sixth grade, so it was sort of the go-to place for stupidly entertaining videos. It's where an entire generation (or at least my entire fifth grade class) learned the enthralling beat of the Badger Song, the seductive allure of I'm a Kitty Cat, the genius of the Llama Song... and, of course, the now-infamous Numa Numa lip-syncing incident.

'Twere good times. Of course, we have since moved on to far more mature things, such as Mister Raisintoast and Obama Rick Roll'ing McCain...

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