Thursday, July 29, 2010

Missing from the airwaves

So, it's 11:47 and Thursday which means 'Hello. It's time for a sufficiently sub par blog post.'

Ick. Please allow me to digress and tell you about the one thing that's been on my consciousness lately. And that is me and my obsession with deadlines*.

I've set three project deadlines for the end of this month. They are, in no particular order:
  1. Finish reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
  2. Finish writing the second draft of my novel.
  3. Read Beastly for book club.
There was also something about finishing my art course in order to render Jake, my art mentor, completely and utterly speechless as well as pleased but that was a bit vague so it's definitely not happening.

To give you a better idea of these goals, some number figures:
  • I have approximately 145 pages of Huckleberry Finn to read divided by two days which may not seem like that much as I actually enjoy the book but I still have not managed to read more than 35 pages in a day.
  • I have approximately 12,201 words of outlined novel to write divided by two days which is certainly doable NaNoWriMo style but looking at my recent writing history, is going to be a stretch. I wouldn't call it writers' block, my problem, more, er... boredom.
  • Beastly is going to be the easiest goal and possibly the only one I fulfill (yeah, yeah, I know I should stay positive but... really?). I've just started it today but I'm already about seventy pages in so I'm not worried about finishing it by... tomorrow at one o'clock?
Fuck, I'm screwed. Why do I do this to myself?

*If you're wondering with all the boldness and italicizing, that's because I read somewhere that you should make your blog posts easy to read or in another word skimmable so I'm seeing if that works. I'm not sure I want to be skimmed but it's possibly better than being skipped simply because sometimes I don't know what I'm trying to say until after I've divulged a couple sentences that don't follow a lot of rules of order.

1 comment:

Vita said...

Good luck, my friend. Look on the bright side: none of it is math related! Also, um, satisfaction is satisfying!