Friday, August 28, 2009

Smiling is a Classic Psychopath Move

Originally I was going to write about something completely different, but I really couldn't hold it back. I believe I am correct in thinking that you two will agree with me, so I apologize for - well - ranting.

Today, The Washington Post published an article in the Style section of their paper entitled "Opposing Gay Unions With Sanity & a Smile: NOM Head Moves His Cause to D.C." As you can imagine, the article was basically profiling Brian Brown, the executive director of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). NOM is an anti-gay marriage organization that, for God knows what reason, feels it is their duty to uphold "traditional marriage."

Ahem. They appear to be a distant relative of Jim Crow.

I'm not mad at WaPo for publishing the article; it's Brown's comments that are so infuriating. What's even more outrageous is that people actually agree with him. I've decided to (not) personally reply to some of his comments and hopefully refrain from calling him names.

BB: "People already believe [gay marriage is wrong], but the issue is so deep-seated that they've never had to create an argument for it."
"People" believe that, do they? Funny, because I don't. Thanks for telling us what we believe, because I'm sure we couldn't have made up our minds on our own.
And maybe they've never had to create an argument for it because there ISN'T an argument for it. I honestly have NEVER seen a SINGLE valid argument against gay marriage. I don't give a crap what the Bible says; the oft-quoted counterargument points out the fact that the Bible also says that eating seafood is a sin and that selling your daughter into slavery is perfectly acceptable. Unless you've never eaten fish, or think that slavery should be reinstated, then shut up about making gay marriage illegal. I'm not saying you shouldn't follow the Bible if you're Christian, but I am saying that NOBODY - absolutely NOBODY - follows the Bible to the letter anymore. Why pick this one issue out of dozens of others? Additionally, the USA is supposed to have a seperation of church and state, which means your religious arguments shouldn't have any weight whatsoever in legislation.

BB: "The racial bigot comparison is the most troubling part of the argument."
WaPo: "[He thinks] it's horrible, offensive, deliberately incendiary."
Personally, I regularly compare homophobia to racism with complete faith in the parellels between the two. I'm not sure why he thinks that being called, more or less, a modern-day racist is more offensive or "incendiary" than telling people that they don't deserve the same rights as everybody else is.
According to, the definition of "racism" is "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others." Substitute "race" for "sexual orientation" and you have described most homophobes in America. "The belief that sexual orientation accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular sexual preference is superior to others."
Is this what you believe, NOM? That gay people aren't as human as straight people? If you don't believe that - as you no doubt claim - than how do you explain the fact that your actions, your reason for existence, matches that belief perfectly? If you think that gay people are as good as you are, then why do you fight against them?
The definition of "discrimination" is "treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit, partiality or prejudice." Funny, that sounds a whole lot like what NOM is attempting to do: treating gay people like they don't deserve the same rights as other people simply because they are gay.
Do you understand this, Brian Brown? YOU ARE DISCRIMINATING, like racists do. You hold irrational fears and/or disdain for a certain group of people, like racists do. You want to keep said group of people from achieving what should be their automatic rights, like racists do. You are racist without the race.

BB: (From a NOM pamphlet) "Avoid the phrase 'ban gay marriage' ... say we're against 'redefining marriage' or in favor of 'marriage as the union of a husband and wife.'"
NOM, you are such a - excuse my language - fucking wimp. There is a time and place for euphemisms, but bigotry is not acceptable in any form. If you're going to take such an idiotic stand on this issue, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN.

BB: "It is irrational when the opposition points to polls suggesting that most young people support gay marriage. 'People mature,' [Brown] says. Their views change."
ASDFGHJKL. There it is, the inevitable assumption that youth = naivity. I will never, EVER agree with you, Brown, or stoop to your level, so you can just stop right there. Just because we're young doesn't mean we're going to change our minds; sure, we will mature, but if we REALLY mature, our position on gay marriage will only get cemented into place.
It's also worth pointing out that when you use age as an argument, you don't have much to go on. >:)

BB: "Yes, there have been homosexual relationships. But no society that he knows of, in the history of the world, has ever condoned same-sex marriage. 'Do they always agree on the number of partners? Do they always agree on the form of monogamy? No,' Brown says, but they've all agreed on the gender issue."
Oh, for the love of God! Does he know that for years and YEARS, slavery was tolerated in nearly every country? Just because something has been done for years doesn't mean it's right. That argument doesn't even make any kind of logical sense.

BB: "It's what's best for families, he says. It's the union that can biologically produce children, he says. It's all about the way things have always been done."
So. Brown. A heterosexual couple that doesn't want kids, or is physically unable to produce kids, shouldn't be able to get married, either? Because in the second scenario in particular, that couple can't "biologically" produce children. Marriage isn't all about the kids; children are a seperate issue. Marriage is about two adults wanting to spend the rest of their lives (slash a portion of their lives, what with divorce rates on the rise) together, not about what they do after they actually get married.
And honestly? There are tons and tons of heterosexual marriages that aren't good for their children. Abuse, neglect, outright poor parenting are the fault of the people, not their gender.

Basically, Brian Brown, you are an @$$hole. I don't care how politely you phrase your hatred, you are a bigoted idiot. I am ashamed to say that you are an American, because your work is so thoroughly against what the United States is supposed to believe in.

It all comes down to the fact that you have to stand up for people who aren't like you. I'm straight, but I'm a huge supporter of gay rights. I'm white, but I completely back the Civil Rights dealio. I'm female, and although I haven't faced many challenges because of that, I know that other people (particularly historical figures) have, and I think we have to fight for our rights, too. If we don't stick up for other people, who will? If we don't help the people who need helping, who will help us when we need it?

If you haven't read this blog post by (YA author) Libba Bray yet, I strongly urge you to do so. :)

Is Rena being unreasonable for complaining about having 2 hours of homework on the second day of school?
Not really. If it was later in the year, 2 hours is normal, but it seems sort of excessive for the second day. How have you even gone over that much material in 2 days? Ahaha. Sorry, hopefully it gets better! :)

How long does it take to do your homework?
Probably anywhere from an hour (a worksheet or two) to five hours (working on projects I procrastinated on). Usually, it's around two or three, probably closer to three. Maybe more, maybe less, I'm really not sure. I'll get back to you on this answer in October or November, hehe.
Of course, last year, I may or may not have - ahem - fudged a few numbers in a certain math class when the amount of homework was unreasonable... that is not an approach I would necessarily suggest, but it is the honest (oh ho, how ironic) way I approached some of my for-completion-only homework last year. Generally only used when I had a crapload of other stuff to do or procrastinated majorly on the workload. Yeah...

Is "i before e except after c" BS?
Honestly, yes. It did help me during elementary school, weirdly enough, but in the grand scheme of things... it has way too many exceptions.

What's your favorite flavor of chips?
Mm, either regular, or Sour Cream & Onion. Most people I know either love love love or hate hate hate the second one, but I fall on the love love love side. It's never struck me as gross; maybe that's strange, but more importantly, it's TRUE. :D

Do you have a Twitter?
You know, I feel sort of bad about this, because I've made rather rude comments in the past about people who frequently Twitter and how the whole thing is a breeding ground for narcissists...
But yes, I do. :O Once I joined the site, I realized it's no worse than Facebook or whatever. Just follow the people you care about and it's no big deal. And besides, Super-MJ has what is possibly the best Twitter in the world, which kind of makes the entire site much more Awesome.
Mine is - I believe it's on Private, but feel free to request me if you have a Twitter, too.

Everyone else had 2 (cough3) questions, so I feel like I should sneak in a second one, two...

Do you subscribe to a newspaper (a physical newspaper that gets delivered to your house every morning) or do you just use the radio/internet/television? What station do you usually watch the news on?

How do you feel about the controversial topic of the vegetable/fruit status of tomatoes?

This feels like it may be insane amounts of Long, so... BYE. :)


Renata said...

Thanks for saying this better than I could have. :)

They're all morons. Have you seen that Miss Teen whatver from SC or something who refers to it as "opposite marriage"? WOW. At least be eloquent in your "opinion".

All I can think of to say that hasn't already been said by you (or other smart people) is, if people are so literally quoting the Bible, why don't they use this one?:

Love. Thy. Neighbor.-- (Bible Knowledge : 101)


Or how about: "Treat others as would would want to be treated." (that's the bible, right?)

Think about it, would YOU, BB, like to be told not just that you couldn't marry the person you truly love, but that LOVING that person is *wrong*, that you shouldn't be who you are? That you are inferior to all the "normal" straight people? And how about having to face all of the homophobic selective Bible-quoting sociopaths like yourself?

No, didn't think so.

I think it's terrible that two hetero people that HATE each other have more of a right to marry than two gay people who truly love each other. Have you ever heard of a gay divorce? No. Because these two people worked too hard to actually GET MARRIED.

There are surogates and adoption and tons of ways gay people can RASISE children. And they'll probably foster more tolerant and loving environments than anybody who teaches their kids to grow up homophobic will. That is all.

Alex said...

I have to agree with you on every point you stated.

Well written. I think you should write a letter to your newspaper. I was published today!! Hooray!

I find homework appalling. 1-5 hours?!?! Seriously?

Vita said...

Rena, I totally agree. I'm not religious, but wasn't Jesus's whole message about finding peace and love through God? Maybe he supported gay people, maybe he didn't, but either way, I'm pretty sure that he would have preferred two people to be able to love each other over those two people being hated by everyone else. Didn't he say that unless you're without sin, you can't judge other people? Yeah, try following your own religion once in a while, NOM.

Alex, that's awesome! Congratulations! :D Once small step for teenagedom, one giant leap for... er... everybody else! Ahaha, w00t.