Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer... to thee I bid a sad semi-farewell.

Ah yes, 'tis that time of year again m'friends. Summer has come and almost completely gone. As Green Day once put it: (in one of those songs that isn't really about what you think it's about)

"Wake me up when September endssss..."
(and while you're at it, make me a well-adjusted, organized, put-together type, straight-A's-yet-still-well-rounded person. Thanks. You've just saved me a lot of time.)

Yes Vita, I ADORED BSC. It was so awesome then, but now it seems slightly cheesy. Do you remember Mallory? She showed up in one of the later books as like a junior secretary or something. She was a minor-ish character, but I thought she was THE COOLEST, for whatever reason.

I now go back to lamenting the end of Summer...

I'm not sad about summer ending so much as I am sad about having to GET UP EARLY and "be productive". That's the great thing about summer, you don't really *have* to do anything. At least anything school-ish.

Vita's question: What is your favorite childhood book?

I don't know if anyone else ever read this (or since this is WAAAY back, had it read to them...) but I used to LURVE "The Veleteen Rabbit". The ending was so sad to me when I was little, but I loved the story because I had all these stuffed animals so I thought that made me like the boy in the book. (did they ever mention his name? I forget.)

My question: What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?


Vita said...

When do you start school? Is it in the beginning of August, like some of those craaazy schools that I thankfully don't attend? (Haha... we have uber-short winter/spring breaks compared to a lot of people, so I guess the summer makes up for it... we also get all the Jewish holidays off, which is nice.) I start August 31, I think.

Asdfghjkl The Velveteen Rabbit! Ahh, such a good book. The ending make me very sad too, though, I couldn't understand WHY it had to END like that. I guess it makes it a better story... but still... I think it's harsh ;)

Renata said...

August 21st for "orientation" (I'm an almost freshman, remember...) and back fer shure on the 24th. So not much earlier than yours, but still pretty early, compared to all those lucky schools that start after Labor Day. (It comes late this, though, so that would be kind of impractical.)

Vita said...

Oh yeah, you're going to be a frosh! Whoop whoop. :D Hah, I don't even remember what I did at my orientation, besides walk around and get my schedule. Pretty sure we did some other stuff, but that wasn't important. ;) Well, have fun at orientation ANYWAY (three weeks in advance, cuz that's how I roll)

Renata said...

Really I do NOT expect it to be some kind of life-changing event, but apparently they feel the need to "orientate" us...

Can any non-"frosh" explain WHY we are "frosh"??? This is either an awkward combo of freshman/sophmore or some kind of widespread typo that just stuck.

Vita said...

Oh, wow, I have no idea. Actually, the prefered term over here was "freshies" (which I think is self-explanatory), I have no idea what people are thinking... haha.

I think it's supposed to refer to *college* freshmen, actually. Oh well. :D

Vita said...

Slash, I could be lying. Maybe it applies to college *or* high school freshmen... I DON'T KNOW, CONFUSING.

Anyways, in my experience, freshmen year is a whole lot easier than it's cracked up to be (i.e., the rest of the school doesn't actually hate you unless a) they are bitter people or b) you are legitimately, extremely annoying, which I am sure you/most of the people you know are not).

Renata said...

Yeah, the best advice I've heard is just to not piss off the upperclassmen and just study/do the homework and you're pretty much set.