Sunday, September 6, 2009

No particular message here.

I almost forgot to blog today. Oops. I was just thinking about something I should blog about on Sunday and then i was like, "wait, it is Sunday, isn't it." Unfortunately, I forgot what that something was.


I just watched The Breakfast Club. What an excellent movie it is. I've been wanted to see it for a while and then just like that it was on TV. And now Sixteen Candles is playing, which is attracting my attention making it a bit hard to focus on this screen. And what's worse I've recently become addicted to playing Tetris on my computer. It's sad, but I can't stop clicking away at it. And my finger hurts for some odd reason which I can't figure out.

Have either of you seen The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles? Awesome movies.

My index finger hurts when I touch it (or hit a key with it) and it has no mark on it to indication of why so I'm going to make this short.

This is a good movie. Okay bye now.


Renata said...

Okay, if you haven't already found out about this website, commence hating me...


Isn't it wrong to fuel people's addictions? Oh well. I am too.

Vita said...


Alex said...

Wow Rena. That was really horrible of you. Now I can't just watch B20 in peace. No, I have to play Tetris at the same time.

That website is made of awesome. I never knew there were actually *techniques*. *GASP*.