Tuesday, September 1, 2009

People clearly understand sarcasm...

Ahem. This happened to me earlier today in Science... we were doing a super easy worksheet reviewing the scientific method, but the teacher decided to make it "interesting" by making it about the Simpsons. The question was something like what should Bart's procedure be if he wants to test the effects of microwaves on mice? So he added, jokingly, that we shouldn't ACTUALLY microwave mice. Right.

So I muttered, (to my sarcasm-understanding friend) "Yeah, I'm going to go and dry off my cat using a microwave."

Apparently, the people behind me heard me, and thought I was SERIOUS.

Later, in the lab groups (consisting of your row of seats), UNCONTROLLABLE GIGGLEFITS from these people. I was the only one working, WTF? At the VERY end of the period one girl asks me, "So, do you have any pets? *gigglesnort*" "No...?" "Oh, so where are you going to find a cat to microwave?" "...I was kidding. Y'know. Sarcasm."

*dead stare*

"Ohhhhhh... suuuurrrre you were..."

They STILL think I'm a cat-nuking crazypants!


Not that I particularly care what they think of me, but if I want to be taken seriously AT ALL (and maybe make them do some of the work), I'd better declare my sanity pretty fast.


What was the last movie you saw in theatres?


Do you think history is interesting?

Meh, kind of. Depends on what kind of history. The history of people, evolution and all that I don't like, but WWII and more recent history is interesting to me.

My question!

What's the most random (or best, or both) compliment you've ever received?


Vita said...

Gah, I hate people like that. I mean, what person ACTUALLY microwaves their cat? They really couldn't use their little brains to sort out the difference between sarcasm and seriousness? And if they actually COULD understand the difference but were just pretending they didn't... I never really got the point of that. Oh, you look stupid, aren't YOU hilarious?

Yeah, they'll definitely get far in life.

I feel the exact same way about history. "Modern history" = awesome; "and then the Revolutionary War happened..." = ANNOYING (cuz I really didn't get that from the past 5 years you've been telling us this information...)

Renata said...

Oh, this is WAAAYYY pre-1776. I meant crap like, "In the STONE AGE they made tools out of STONE."

Really? Didn't know that.

THANK YOU. For having a presumed mental ability above that of a 6 year old. Sarcasm is fun when dealing with people like that though.

Alex said...

I once knew a girl who didn't understand my sense of humour AT ALL. Sarcasm just slipped by her and I stopped finding it annoying and started to find it incredibly funny.

Then there was another girl who used sarcasm SO MUCH that when she wasn't being sarcastic you thought she was and it got really confusing. When an experienced sarcasi* doesn't know when you're serious and when you're not, you have a problem.

Good luck with that microwaving. Hope kitty comes out nice and toasty.

(*new word: person who uses sarcasm!)