Thursday, June 11, 2009

Caspian, Queen of Narnia

My sisters and I were watching Prince Caspian: The Chronicles of Narnia, the other day. Let me preface (btw, do you say pre-face or pref-ace? ongoing battle between my mother and I) this by saying that I like the movie. It's enjoyable, the characters are good-looking, the writing is good, the special effects are special, the story is good (props to C.S. Lewis), and the best part it's just corny enough to be able to mock but not so much that it's unbearable to watch. It's a great movie. My sister, Rachel, absolutely loves it. She watches it once or twice a month, which may not seems like much compared to her watching it every day for the first week of getting it, but I've seen the movie a fair few times.

Every time we watch it, it inevitabley turns into a discussion about who is hotter: Caspian or Peter. I've recently thrown Edmund into the mix, because I decided that he is adorably scrummy and he gets all the good lines. He's also less angsty that Peter, and less perfect than Caspian (fyi: perfect is NOT hot. flaws are natural. natural is hot).

Anyway, watching movies with my sisters is a blast. We love movies. Even more than movies, we love commentating movies. I could write this stuff down and sell it. But that would take the fun out of it, so I don't. But I wanted to share one of my own observations, even though it's a little mean to Caspian, who is quite good-looking, and accented, which is also a plus.

There's a part in the end after Aslan comes back when Peter and crew are bowing or kneeling or whatever and Aslan says "Rise Kings and Queens of Narnia" and Caspian doens't get up. Then Aslan's like "All of you". So he looks up and says he doesn't think he's ready and Aslan says yeah yeah whatever, you so are, get up now. Then Caspian gets up, smiles and looks around like "Hey guys, I'm the newest Queen of Narnia. YES!"

It's possible the Queen of Narnia thing is only funny to us, but that's okay. In my heart he will forever be Prince Caspian, Queen of Narnia.

Vita: If you could solve one major (but specific) issue today, what would it be? That could include stopping the genocide in Darfur, providing literally global health care, getting rid of your country's debt, etc.

Your question confused me a bit. You said specific (such as stopping genocide in Darfur) but your other example was kind of larger scale vague (providing global healthcare). So I have two answers.
We have lots of issues on this planet.

For a somewhat specific answer: I would like to take all of the landmines and cluster munitions out of the ground. I don't know what you guys know about explosive remnants of war, but didn't know anything about them until I went to a two day global issues event so here's a brief outline:

Landmines and cluster bombs are remnants of a war that continue to find victims after the war has ended. They are dropped in the ground, very inexpensively, and can explode at the slightest touch. They can't distinguish between the footsteps of a child and those of a soldier and their purpose is to maim, not to kill. It takes anywhere from $3-$25 to place a explosive $2000-$5000 to remove one. Residents of places known to have explosive remnants can't farm their land or walk to school or for water, without fear of stepping on a landmine and losing a limb, or their life, which ruins their lives. Forever

So although this is a huge task, it's kind of specific. Landmines and cluster bombs. Poof! Gone.

If I'm being a bit more vague I would want to break the circle of poverty by ending diseases that could be prevented and cured.

Malaria is a very common, curable disease, that can take a family from somewhat poverty to extreme poverty. The money they use for medicine can mean less food, which increases liklihood to get sick, which means more medicine, and the circle continues. Malaria is preventable with a $7 mosquito net, and yet so many people continue to contract this disease.

AIDS awareness is another to-do. If we can just manage to take one thing out of the never ending poverty circle, then things can get so much better, that much easier.

So yeah, I'd end preventable and curable diseases.

What is something you do that you think no one else does? If anything. If nothing, what is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? Horray for backup questions.

On another note we've had our blog for about a month! Yay! How do you all think it is going so far?


Renata said...

It's going great, and I'll continue to blog as long as you guys do. Oh, and sorry for not posting a question on my last blog!

Vita said...

Oh, God, I don't know how I pronounce preface now. I think I say "pre-face," with more emphasis on the "pre." But I say it the American way and prounce it "preee-face" (I think that the American way is actually the universal way, but I could be wrong. But I don't know anyone who says "prehhh-face").

Scrummy is such an adorable word! Ahh! *tucks word away for future use*

I really don't like Narnia that much. *shame* I don't know, I think I don't like the whole action/religious symbolism/who knows what part of it. It's not an awful movie, though. Admittedly, I've only seen The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, not Prince Caspian (although I've read all the books).

Sorry for the confusingly worded question! I meant anything as specific as solving one problem in one country to as general as providing health care, but not as wide as world peace. It looks like you did a pretty good job of deciphering the question though ;) I really don't know much about landlines, but that's probably because it's not getting as much attention as it deserves!