Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home-skooled Life: part 2

I just got the newest Microsoft Word (2007) and I'm absolutely fascinated. Have you guys ever used OneNote? It is completely awesome. There's all these different features on PowerPoint, which I also love. Awesome is all around

You Burning Questions ANSWERED!

How do you get your gym credit? And isn't Health class (or specific aspects of it) awkward?

I have to log all the physical activity and also write these horribly boring "PE essays", about leadership and participation and stuff. It's really lame.

I've never had a health class so it's not awkward. Everything I know about "Sex Ed", I've learned from books and movies.

How do you apply to college? Like, what about recommendation letters and things? Just the whole process.

I'm not too sure about the college scene, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. I do know someone who was home-schooled forever and is now at university, so perhaps I can ask her. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure how "normal" people apply to college. I know there's a letter and an application, but I don't see how my filling out of the application would be different. Maybe someone could explain the college process to me?

Do you think you have less friends because of it?

I probably do have less friends, but it doesn't bother me that much. I have a good circle of friends, and my sisters, and sometime I wish I knew a few more boys (meeting guys as a home-schooler is probably one of the biggest downsides. Most of the home-schooled boys I know are under the age of ten. The others are mostly, well, weird. I know, that's rich coming from me, but still, I have standards.)

Have you ever thought of going to a school instead?

I have thought of going to school. It kind of comes in different waves. Some years I'd want to go to "normal" school, and other years I don't. At the moment I'm happy homeschooling but I'm sure another yearning for "the building" will come eventually. I do think that I will go to high school for a year before I graduate (just not this year) so I can get that experience. I want to have a year book and prom and teachers I hate and teachers I love. But somehow, at the same time, it can wait. (Probably grade 11 or 12)

This probably sounds very stupid, but how do you graduate? I mean, obviously you DO graduate, but how does that work? Who/where do you get your diploma from?

For my credits, I have the same transcript thing as everyone. So I have to do a certain amount of courses (online or paper) and then i get credits for that. I think you have to have like 42 and then there's other stipulations like you have to do the core courses and you have to do PE until grade ten, and other stuff.

I think I'll get my diploma either from the school I finished at or right from the BC Ministry of Education. My two older sisters haven't graduated officially, so I don't really know the deal.

Do you like being homeschooled? Do you ever wish that you went to a public/private school, or are you happy as you are? Have you ever been enrolled in a public/private school?

I like the freedom and flexibility of being home-schooled. I like sleeping in and wearing my pajamas all day, and hanging out with my mom and sisters. I've done some extra work (in movies and TV and one commercial) which I probably wouldn't have been able to do if I'd been in school. I don't have homework bogging me down. My learning is more focused on fun than grades, which is great. But I would say that, yes, sometimes I want to go to school and have teachers and projects and school friends and everything else that comes with it. But I can't have both and at the moment I'm okay with what I've got.

Do your parents teach you, or do you have a tutor type person, or do you take those online school/classes at home?

For the past two years, I've been doing online courses which means that I sign up with a special school and I go in for an orientation and a "teacher" tells me about the course and then I leave with textbooks and passwords and do my work at home. Every course is different, but usually you do a module and then go in for an exam and there's about four modules and then a final exam. So I do all the work at home and email it or take a picture and then email it. Some minor tests and quizzes I do at home.

I can't remember my mom ever "teaching" me. She reads with me and help me on a project or assignment, but she doesn't ever lecture us on topics. That would be odd.

On another note, I'm glad we all took the test. It was interesting. Did anyone else notice that all three of us are in the category of Idealist (FJ)? I'm not even surprised by that. Also I re-read my description and realized it's pretty bang on. I'm a natural leader, I'm good at expressing my feelings, I love to work with people. (I think I was in the Teacher subsection of Idealist.) So yeah, interesting...

1 comment:

Alex said...

Urg, whenever I paste stuff into my blog is always screws with the format!

I know it's a little anal to care, but I care! I want it to look nice.