Friday, June 5, 2009

Humid Aspirations

Rena: What did you want to be when you grew up, and how has it changed since then? (if at all, but if not, then you're REALLY lucky.)

I don't remember what I wanted to be when I went through that "I'm a princess! No, now I'm a mermaid! No, but I'm actually a puppy who is kind of like Cruella DeVille [or however you spell her name] except I don't abuse myself!" phase.
But I wanted to be a math teacher in 2nd grade.
... Obviously I was a messed-up child. A MATH teacher? Really? C'mon, I could have wished for anything better than MATH.
Then, in 4th grade, I wanted to the President of the United States for a while. That's changed, mostly because I believe I would be a Very Bad president, given the fact that I have no idea whatsoever on how to achieve world peace, fix long-term problems (rather than focusing on NOW-NOW-NOW), et cetera. Also, WAY too much pressure. Also, WAY too many obnoxiously annoying/stupid people/jerks who think they can do your job better than you (for the record, 99% of them can't).
It switched being a writer/author around 4th or 5th grade, I think.
Now I'm wavering between teaching something in public schools, writing for a newspaper (or whatever will be the newspaper equivilant in 10 years), writing YA novels, being a lawyer (probably the ones employed by the government for people who can't afford their own lawyer, like Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird! Yay!) or some other job option that I don't know about yet. Thing is, I really have no idea what I want to be - realistically, a newspaper job probably wouldn't pay enough on its own; authors generally don't start making enough money to write for a living until at least a few years in, if ever; I don't know if I'd be any good at teaching, and I definitely wouldn't want to become a teacher if I'd be bad at it (I've had bad teachers, and they suck. So much); and being a lawyer would be so much freaking work, and more to the point, I'm not sure I'd be able to defend/prosecute anyone well enough (there are so many rules lawyers have to follow, it's insane). I kind of feel like I should be aiming for a more "high-powered" job, such as being a doctor or mathemetician, but honestly? I hate math. I couldn't deal with such a math and science -oriented job. I know that women are often underrepresented in these fields, but I just don't want to have a job that has that much ... math/science in it. Besides, I think that virtually every job is important, even - or especially - the ones that people don't think twice about.

Alex: What is your LEAST favorite part of summer?

Definitely the bugs and intensely humid days. Urck.
I think I'd also have to say the fact that it can get really boring sometimes? I love summer vacation, but there are days when I'm like ... agh. Can I go back to school now?
I mean, I don't love school, but at least you get to see people every day.

Question: Speaking of school (or the lack thereof), do you take/speak a foreign language?

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