Friday, October 9, 2009

bad, bad things

Hello people!

Take up the cause to FREE BURMA. Their dictator, Than Shwe, is basically Hitler except not German and far more isolated. Burma has the highest rate of child soldiers in the entire world, routinely participates in ethnic cleansing, and systematically rapes women. The people have no freedom at all. It's sort of like Darfur, but worse. And if you have any idea what Darfur is like... it's bad.

This makes me dislike the Chinese government even more. They supply weapons to both Darfur and Burma, thus enabling the genocide and terrorism to continue relatively easily. I don't hold it against the Chinese people. For God's sake, I don't even really blame the United States. It's difficult for America to strongly influence China - if it ever came to a full-on war, we'd have an extremely difficult time winning. Still, there's got to be SOMETHING we can do, because dictatorship simply cannot continue.

Watch this; it's quite informative (and it's got Ellen Page in it! *excitement*):

Have you ever seen a white squirrel?
No! I've seen an albino black squirrel, though.
(Okay, it wasn't really an albino, but it WAS black. )

If you could speak any other language, what would it be? Why?


Alex said...

World suck. This is pretty awful.

I can't help thinking how lucky I am to live in Canada, at times like this. Yes, Stephen Harper may not be the best leader, but at least we chose him and he's not robbing us of human rights.

Renata said...

We're doing this in World Studies, but focusing on China. This honestly seems worse, which is saying a LOT. Worldsuck FTL.