Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is long and has no real point

I really want to read Going Bovine. I may have to go sit in the bookstore for a few hours. I will admit that I've never read anything by Libba Bray before. My sisters said that A Great and Terrible Beauty is weird. I'm going to start reading it today, because I got it out of the library and that's what I do with library books most of the time.

This week I had an allergic reaction to something I still haven't discovered, and it was unpleasant. I spent the next day recovering. Then I went to Vancouver and stalked Jensen Ackles. Then on Friday, I went to the youth day of a writers conference and learned stuff. Then yesterday, I was in Vancouver again for a climate change event/march. I was volunteering and it was awesome. I'm hoping those politicians will stop being idiots. Also I learned about the Alberta tar sands which I had not a lot of previous knowledge of. Today I saw The Vampire's Assistant, which was funny, but excessively violent in my humble opinion. I'm not big on the violence and I hate how our society is becoming "immune" to it. That is my week in a slightly rambling, unorganized paragraph. Today I slept in for the first time in four days, I feel like I know how it is to go to school. And it sucks.

But I learned a lot of stuff. Since the writers conference, my novel has undergone some serious changes. It's now going to be told in multiple first person narrative with some parts in third person and my characters are absolutely amazing and there's only one week left.

Last night I was thinking about boredom. It could be that what I'm about to say has absolutely no truth for anyone but me, but if you could comment with your own definition of bored, I would love to hear it. When I say I'm bored, it's not because there's nothing I could do. Well, sometimes it is, like if you're standing in line at the passport office and there's nothing to do but read government pamphlets and play That Guy Is a Gigolo with yourself. But if I'm sitting at home and feeling bored it means that I don't *feel* like doing anything. There's a bunch of stuff I could do, like schoolwork or chores or reading or drawing, but I just don't *feel* like it.
Which is what depression is to me. Depression is when you don't want to do things that you usually enjoy; for instance if you love bowling with your friends and one day you just don't want to any more. It's like a bout of depression. So what is boredom? I say a moment of depression. Enough rambling...


Who are four dead people you'd like to meet?
I have no idea. All the people I can think of are alive... Google is no help. 1. Jane Austen. 2. Walt Disney. 3. That's all you're getting. I'd say J.D. Salinger, but last I checked, he's still alive. Really, I don't want to meet any of the people I've just listed. I mean, what am I supposed to say? "You're dead, but where did your inspiration come from?" I don't understand why I'd want to meet them.

Are you a "cat person" or a "dog person"?
You've all heard about my sometimes possessed cat, but I'm still a cat person. As a child, I never liked dogs, and was even a little afraid of the bigger ones. This ascended to new heights last summer when I was chased on my bicycle by a German shepard. Adrenalin rushes are Googlable (we know this thanks to Eddypuss) and I think I fit the symptoms. Ever been literally scared for your life? Try approaching a freaking GS after that.

25 days until New Moon. I actually saw a preview today and it look just as bad as Twilight was except with a special effects budget. I also saw a preview for a Sandra Bullock movie called The Blind Side, also released on November 20th, which made me cry. I think I'd rather see that than RPattz's bare chest (I have some advice and I don't mean this to be mean to RPattz, though it inevitably will be: button up your shirt, there's nothing there worth looking at).

What are you being for Halloween? (I'm being a environmental superhero, complete with newspaper skirt and recyclables dangling from wherever possible and maybe a mask)

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