Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do's & Don't's of Chamomile tea

I've left this 'till a bit late so forgive me if it seems hurried. I've been having a touch of trouble falling asleep lately so I write this with a mug of chamomile tea in my hand. Well, no, that's a lie. If I had the tea in my hand, it would make typing extremely labourous. Rather, the tea is right next to me and when I pause to think of what I'm going to spew out next, I'll take a sip. Are you satisfied with the effort I put into detail?

I don't really like chamomile tea. I prefer earl grey. But alas, I am not looking for caffeine at this time of night. I'm getting sleepy. *yawn* Don't feel bad if you totally just yawned, too. I'm still not sure why people do this, but it's perfectly natural. If I ever read in a book (or anywhere else, for that matter) that a character scratches their nose, I always have to scratch my nose. It's odd, indeed.

Vita: I have news. Well, it's not that news-y, but it's about NaNo and relates to Holden Caulfield, so I thought you'd enjoy it. Anyway, I've decided that one of the characters in my novel (which has gone through a ton of changes since I last told you about it, btw) is going to have a self imposed mission of erasing all the graffiti from their town. Yes, yes? Catcher in the Rye reference anyone?

My novel is going to have a lot of these kinds of references. And a lot of dialog. And a lot of awesome characters. I'm really looking forward to writing it all. It's almost painful for me to not get out my notebook and start writing down the conversations that inexplicably pop into my head.

I like Regina Spektor. She's a good singer.

Question: What's the longest you've ever had a song stuck in your head, and what was/is it?
I'm going to have to say 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' (or is it just 'Hit Me Baby'? Maybe 'One More Time'?). That songs was stuck in my head for most of my childhood. I'd say at least from age 7-9. Damn that Britney Spears. Hit me baby, indeed.

If you could speak any other language, what would it be? Why?
I'm learning Spanish, which I love. But at the same time, being Canadian, at times I feel like I should learn French.
Fun tidbit: The only officially bilingual province is not Quebec, but New Brunswick. Quebec only has one official language, which is French. Canada, as a country, is bilingual but the individual provinces are not. Confused? So am I. I guess it means that if you're bilingual you have to have road signs, etc in two languages. Seems like a big hassle to me.
So I guess if I could speak any other language, it might be French and then I could learn Spanish? Then I'd be up to three. The reason I'd like to learn Spanish is that it's a pretty widespread language. If you know it, you can travel to Spain, Mexico and most of South America and converse as easily as you please. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

Bilingualism amazes me. I know a girl from Quebec who speaks French, knows enough English to get by outside of Quebec, and learns Spanish in school. Like, wow. I wish I was trilingual.

This took me longer than usual to write. Now I'm going to brush my teeth. And floss. Because I have a dentist appointment next week and I don't want them to lecture me on the importance of the floss. It's a broken record.

Please remind me not to drink chamomile during NaNo.

Oh, and I'm just wondering how The Hunger Games reading/acquirement are coming...
Q: How's your dental hygiene these days (omit if it's too painful to discuss)?

1 comment:

Vita said...

It's funny, because I'm in the opposite situation from you, language-wise! I'm learning French in school, even though it would probably be more practical to learn Spanish while living in the United States (unless you live in New Orleans or something). I love French though and I really want to become fluent in it, so I'm probably never going to take Spanish. Ah well...

I've finished The Hunger Games! I finished a few weeks ago, actually. I'm really tempted to write a "review" on it, but I don't want to spoil anything for Rena (have you read it yet? It's cool if not, just wondering).

That's a jokes premise for your NaNo! I loved that aspect of Catcher, it should make for a good novel.