Thursday, October 29, 2009

"It ain't easy being cheesy"

I didn't always find Cheetos delicious, but recently all I've wanted to do is eat one mini bag after another (how's that for a hook sentence for my novel?). I only like the crunchy kind. I don't know if there's any particular reason for that. I guess just because they're crunchier.

This recent craving inspired me to read the Cheeto Wikipedia page which was cause for much entertainment.

For instance, did you know that...
- Cheetos have been around since 1948.
- Cheetos are manufactured by blending corn and water
Really, there's actually corn under all that orange, cheesish powder?
- The misogynistic cheetah that has been the mascot since 1986 has a name. That name is Chester. His first slogan was, "It ain't easy being cheesy."
I always thought he was a bit of a womanizer and I never warmed to him like I did to the innocent Snap, Crackle and Pop of the Rice Crispies.
- Before Chester, there was the Cheetos Mouse. The Cheeto Mouse had a catchphrase: "Hail Chee-sar!"
I kid you not. I'm not sure who comes up with this stuff, but I would like to give them a hug.
- In Israel, there are peanut flavoured Cheetos.
Maybe that's why Israel has such a hard time. I think I just discovered the reason for the conflict between Israel and Palestine: Cheeto envy.

I know I should hate Cheetos. They have practically ruined the reputation of cheese. It used to be that you could trust a product that had cheese is in. Cheese was good. Ever since 1948, you can't trust the name of cheese. It could be a nice aged cheddar, or it could be processed powder that will eventually turn your skin orange. *runs and hides*

Interesting event in history?
I would have to say... the invention of the printing press. I don't feel like going back to the time when I learned about Gutenburg or whoever it was, but I think that after that, things got a lot better for us. No more copying those Bibles by hand. We gotz us some new stuff to use. Hooray!

Q: Are you going trick-or-treating? What's your feeling on the end age of trick-or-treating?
(I AM! I'm doing Hallowe'en for Hunger! End hunger; get candy. Don't cha just looove those win/win scenarios?)
Oh and bonus question: Do you know what your novel's about? (2 days: NANOWRIMO!!!)

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